2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

Akeru wouldn’t pursue Thos, instead staying where he was.

Shouya watched the fight best he could from the ground, waiting to see if he could see Akeru over the ledge.

Kaito ran through the alleyways and eventually came across Void Eater and Brand, a small scream escaping his mouth before he covered it. Oh no, more skips He thought to himself. They’re gonna find me any minute if I stick around here!

Void Eater drops down and moves away from Brand. He sees a person in the corner of his eye, while he was moving and turns to face Kaito.
…Are they going think I’m this Yokai thing again?
VE doesn’t make a noise and turns back to Brand,
“shoo…or I’ll make you see your worst nightmares.”

Kaito took a step back. “D-don’t hurt me!” He warned, obviously scared.

VE glances at Kaito, the “shoo” was mainly directed at Brand, but now… he’ll need to go with it… Ve smiles, if a skull could smile and says in his deepest voice,
Run mortal run.

The salesman knocked on the door of the shop, and the owner happily opened, before seeing the being and trying to shut it, “go away, we’re closed!” He said, his tone frightful.
“Oh no, Mr.Tanaka, we’ve made a deal,” it said with a grin, holding the door open, “and your dues are due.” With that he moved his finger and the lights went out, passing through the door and waving his finger once more. This time shutting the curtains and door…

He takes another step back, but can’t move much further. He’s seemingly paralyzed with fear.

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Brand looked at Void Eater for a moment as he was talking, not understanding, before he turned to the screaming newcomer. He gave an enthusiastic wave of greeting.

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Kaito looked at him, fear in his eyes.

All television and radio broadcasts within Tokyo suddenly cut out being replaced with a chilling message.

“To my fellow men and women, rejoice for a time of salvation is at hand. I have spoken with the sacrament. It means no harm, it exists simply to deliver us from our mortal coil”

With that everything resumed.

On the outskirts of Tokyo a legion of masked people clutching crude weapons, some had hunting rifles but some wore clean suits and carried modern firearms, some wore riot gear. Behind them all was the towering figure of the sacrament.

Qin was thrown from the Back of the Chariot by Ross, but he managed to land on his feet in a crouched position, his feet skidding across the road.

Angered by such disrespect, Qin blasted a stream of flames from his mouth towards Ross’ face.

Thos flew back to Shouya.
“Assistance- bzzt- required.” he asked, his vocalizer glitching out.

Shouya nods. “Alright, get over here.” He says. “I’m not the best with this stuff, but I should be able to patch you up alright.”

Thos moved closer to Shouya, his gunstick sparking.

Shouya struggled to get up, but did, and started getting to rewiring the gunstick to how it looks like is should be to fix it.

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He would find that the damage was relatively easy to repair.

After fixing the inside, he stuck the gunstick back where it should be, welding it back in place best he could with his lasers. “That should be good, I hope.” Shouya told him. He stepped away. “Alright, there you go, little buddy.” He said.

“Your assistance is appreciated.” Thos moved away.

“Hey, what’s your name, anyways?” Shouya asks as he sits back down.

“My identification is Thos. I am a Dalek.”