2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

The doctor bites it
“That’s gross!” He spits “I never wanna taste that again!”

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Thos, inside the TARDIS, observed, collecting information.

Inside the pear was a sickly brown, leaking oil like fluids despite it’s healthy exterior

“That is gross!” The doctor spits

The being grinned, “careful what you wish for.”

“I’m never gonna have a pear again!” The Doctor spits the last remaining part of pear out and tries to push past Thos to get inside the TARDIS

VE heard a mechanical whirring like servo motors each whirr building up to a stomp, as if some robotic giant was approaching

Thos was already inside the TARDIS.

“Aww” The doctor sighed, he entered the TARDIS and tried to take off

Thos fired the gunstick at the Doctor.

The doctor managed to dodge it but Thos destroyed a little of the TARDIS, The doctor fiddled with the controls and it started to take off, leaving Thos and the doctor behind

Thos latched onto the console before it could take off, staying in the TARDIS.

Without the atom accelerator it’d be unable to steer

The TARDIS was unable to steer properly, it starting burning, buttons of the console started to pop off
“Where’s a time vortex manipulator when you actually need one?” He sighed

OOC: Cheep and nasty Time Travel?

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OOC: Cheap, nasty, but useful.

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Ross successfully grabbed the arm, and Qin threw a punch at Ross’ face with his free arm in an attempt to break the grip.

Ross would tank the hit to his metal face, the attacks seeming to affect him less and less. He would then pull on the arm and attempt to trip Qin, so he would fall on the ground.

Qin stumbled forward, but rolled across the ground to regain his footing.

Ross moves after him, attempting to tackle him to the ground.