2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

The hulking figure of the sacrament came into view, it’s face-plate rotating flicking a pus-like ichor around

Kaito took a step back, “Another one.” He muttered.

The plate swivelled to face the two of them

Void Eater turns and smiles at the hulking figure. He had an illusion of a sweet smelling flower appear by his skull, and soon the streets were covered in a bed of flowers, popping up from everywhere in the ground.
“Is there something you desire?”
He said, while trying to probe the figure’s mind.

He would find nothing as it slowly advanced

Well that’s better. He thought to himself, waiting for VE to do his thing.

VE cocks his head to the side,
“Well this is new, I don’t think it has a mind…most likely goes off reptilian brain-like processes, where it only focuses on instinct. Still surprising it hasn’t met fear yet, in spite of what I said.”
Void Eater remembers the reptile Kaito had brought back and it appears,
“This isn’t a perfect memory…as it is recent, but I wonder how you like killer reptiles.”

The reptile SCP-682 snarls at the hulking figure.

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The figure continued forward it raised it’s fleshy cannon-like appendage which opened and sprayed a stream of foul smelling ooze. As stray drops hit the pavement the goo hissed and bubbled creating a somehow fouler stench

Kaito backed away from it, then, feeling like it might be a bad idea, floated up, going towards the creature in a serpentine pattern.

The as Kaito got closer to it the stench worsened
OOC:how close is Kaito?

OOC: Not super close yet.

IC: He backed off for a second, gagging, then made an illusion oxygen tank. Since they were in the pocket dimension, however, he could actually use it, and started approaching again.

The filter had no effect the stench continued, the sacrament reached out slowly with it’s blade-like claws to grasp Kaito

Kaito tried to hold his breath as he approached, trying to get in and touch the Sacrament.

Shouya sighed. “Well, here goes nothing.” He said, hoping that going in was worth it. With that, he pushed into the pocket dimension, only to see the fight at hand. “Well, it wasn’t.” He muttered as he entered.

The wolf continued to stalk towards Qin Shi Huang.

The reptile 682 didn’t seemed as bothered by the stench, as he was partly already rotting himself.

Void Eater was most questionable of the bunch, as he was an interdimensional being and a floating skull (that’s constantly on fire, the fire was purple-ish) at that. He did create the bed of flowers in this pocket dimension, so it was reasonable the laws operated in this dimension were slightly different than what they appeared. However all that is considered many of the same principle laws were in affect.

Shouya tried to go back, but tripped backwards, falling and likely making a bit of noise.

Kaito tried to reach out at the Sacrament’s outstretched claw.

Kioshi follows Shouya’s steps and also ends up in the pocket dimension.
He looks at Shouya, who had fallen, then notices the nearby battle.

Shouya quickly stands up, dusting himself off and looking around.

Kioshi asks,
“You OK?”

“Uh, yeah.” He said to Kioshi.

“Alright, considering the fight, between a blob of flesh and really big lizard…yeah, I’m going to hide.”
He falls into the ground, leaving only his shadow,
“This is my shadow form, I hope it doesn’t scare you too much.”
Kioshi’s shadow shuffled as to blend with Shouya’s shadow.