2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

It didn’t work, and the majority of the wind was absorbed, beginning to regrow it’s body

She hits him with water again, this time creating two vertical lines, making water fall from the sky.

It held up it’s arms to brace for the water, being shunted back down to it’s base form

She then created an X in the sky, drawing a line down from it, as ice and snow followed it down from the sky.

“no! No! No!” It gasped, it’s form beginning to become tangible, woundable

Amaterasu rushed in with a slash of her sword. “Foul Demon, I banish you from Nihon and this mortal world!” She yelled as she slashed at his upper torso, trying to cleave him in two.

He came in half, then the halves vanished, signifying it’s death. In it’s place stood the vapor outline of a long haired man, who bowed in gratitude, before vanishing as well. Leaving only two rings to drop to the ground.

Amaterasu stopped, and sheathed her weapon. “…Not a demon.” She told her self. “A tormented soul. Freed from his curse…” Even though she knew he wasn’t there, she bowed back, then picked up the rings, inspecting them.

They were beautiful works of art, with red gems adorning their signets, however the gems had a strange magical feel to them

Amaterasu tried to determine whether the magic was benevolent or malicious.

It was control magic, ensuring the loyalty of the wearer to whoever, or whatever made them

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Amaterasu puts them into a pocket in her dress, making sure neither slip onto a finger, then turns back to the reason she arrived from her realm in the first place: Qin Shi Huang. (@Mctoran)

Who is still being beat upon by the metal man, Ross.

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Shouya sat back and watched the battle folding out in front of him in the pocket dimension.

Kaito reaches out to try and touch the strange…thing in front of him. (@L.O.S.S-KAL)

Qin attempted to grab Ross’ fist.

He’d likely be able to do so, Ross wasn’t trying to hard to vary his attacks.

As Qin suddenly grabbed Ross’ fist, he then attempted to punch him in the face.

Ross would get hit in the face, rearing back a little bit, but not too overly affected. After all the other hits he had taken this wasn’t much more.

Amaterasu jumped at Qin, slashing at him with her sword.

Qin ducked, the sword slashing through the wall behind him. He then conjured a small but intense blizzard, blasting it at Amaterasu.