2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

The man sees a robot arguing with a man. “Looks like an easy target.” He mutters, hopping down building tops to an alleyway near the two, waiting for a chance.

Thos ignored Areku.

Akeru turns back to looking out to where the thing waas theoretically approaching from, not noticing the man in the alleyway. A silence descended.

The man primed his boosters and examined Akeru, looking for anything of value that might be on his person, be it a wallet, a watch, or anything else that could be of worth.

The Citizen’s masked visagle suddenly appeared on several billboards, most involved with various transportation services, Attention fellow Citizens of Tokyo, in exactly five minutes to the dot, I shall halt all railcar traffic in the city. I will preform this meger feat for ten minutes, ten minutes lf which millions lf people’s lives will be thrown into disarray and chaos. You placed your trust in the transportation industry. Or should I say misplaced. Man must be self reliant if he is to be free. Thank you for your time.

Lash notes the announcement with a mixture of confusion and disinterest. She didn’t use hovercars, so it’s not like she would be stuck anywhere. Still, she didn’t get the point. Did this guy have something against hovercars?

Shrugging the thoughts away, she continues moving through the streets. Nobody pays her much attention; without her mask on, she looks pretty much normal. She weaves between the adults, keeping an eye out for anything villain-related.

Thos looked at the man, his eyestalk trained on him.

The man glanced over at him without moving his head, but his helmet would not show this, as it covered his whole head, face included.

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Akeru appeared to be like a relatively normal highschool kid, although he did have a couple of small thints glinting in his pocket. They were a bit hard to make out considering their position, but they were there and shiny.

Taking note of this, the man sprung forwards, using his boosters for an added bit of speed, to right behind Akeru. Once there, he attempted to pluck the shiny things out of his pocket, and dash off after he grabbed them, using the boosters for an added distance advantage at the start, assuming he could grab them in the first place.

Thos merely observed.

Akeru turned around as he heard the boots activate, and although he didn’t have the speed to do much, his stand certainly did. With a flash of light his stand 「Shepherd of Fire」, appears. Giving a mighty cry of “Arererererere!” it swings a lightning fast barrage of punches at the would-be thief.

The thief is thrown back by them, feet dragging along the ground as he skids to a halt. “Guess we’re doin’ this the hard way then.” He mutters as the blade on his right forearm extends out, other hand open and ready to fire a blast if he needed.

Midori notes the stranger getting sent flying and ducks into an abandoned alleyway. Lash emerges, mask covering her face and tendrils of rope trailing from each hand.

“Hey!” she shouts, her voice a high-pitched roar.

Where the punches successfully hit, the man would find that his clothes were alight with a currently harmless fire.

Akeru hops down from his position on the short barrier. “Ehhh?” He exclaims, slinking over. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

OOC: Also I’m going to say, for balance purposes, everyone can see stands. Otherwise they’d be really OP and a pain to play against if you aren’t a stand user.

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“You!” she shouts, pointing at Akeru. “Did you take him?” The ropes that she’s holding in either hand begin to sway, as if pushed by a breeze. There is no breeze.

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OOC: How about everyone with superpowers can see them, and so can technological devices? Then they’d be that way for most, but there’d still be the off civilian that can’t, to keep it semi-consistent?

IC: The man’s helmet picks up on the tall man standing behind the normal height one. “Well, ya see.” He starts, seeing the short woman arrive. “That thing that you created seems to be a threat to public safety.” He lies, and quite well. “I was trying to take care of you both before you threatened any civilians!”

It was quite clear he was using his hero-esque look to attempt to sway bystanders to his side. He notes the fire, and makes sure to keep an eye on them in case it starts to fire correctly.


“Five minutes until all trains are halted. I do hope that no one has anywhere implrtant to be.”

“Keep yourself out of this, this is strictly between me and this thief.” Akeru shouts at the girl who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “Unless you’re also with this guy, in which feel free to join in.”

OOC: Sure, I just didn’t want them to be some super powerful invisible fight ghost.

IC: Akeru’s brow seems to twitch. “You just tried to flippin’ rob me of my belongings, and you have the guts to call me the bad guy?!”


“I did no such thing!” He says, standing up straight. “Do you see any of your things on me, except this strangely fire-less fire? I was trying to neutralize a threat!”