2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

Meanwhile, in a nearby museum, several tourists were observing and admiring the exhibit of a terracotta soldier.

Suddenly, the soldier sprang to life and broke through the glass case. “HAIL EMPEROR QIN!” he roared as the tourists screamed and fled.

Suddenly, Qin Shi Huangh burst into Tokyo on his chariot, smashing through the market satands and rampaging through the city. Qin laughed as he whipped the Terracotta horse, going even faster.

“And this will hurt more!” Akeru shouts from his position nearby, sending 「Shepherd of Fire」 to attack Shouya with another flurry of destructive punches.

Ross would go stand in the center of the street that Qin was riding down, giving him a rather rude gesture utilizing his second finger.

The Dragon Emperor did not slow down. He and his horses galloped straight towards Ross.

Thos continued watching the battle, until he got bored. He aimed his gunstick carefully at Akeru and fired.

Ross would step in the way, brace himself, and bringing the chariot to a halt with his immense weight and metal form.

Akeru would get hit and would stagger back due to the shock. 「Shepherd of Fire」 would also stagger similarly, giving Shouya a chance to flee. The non-burning fires would disappear due to Akeru losing concentration after the zap.

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Thos approached Akeru. “Cease hostile activity, and you shall not be harmed.” He screeched, a tone of anger in his voice.

Shouya takes the chance, ducking into an alleyway and escaping.

Akeru manages to just barely catch Shouya turning the corner, sighing as he realized that he wouldn’t be able to catch up at this point. “Good grief.” He muttered, spinning around and pointing a finger at Thos. “This is all your fault the thief escaped.”

By now Lash is long gone. Midori staggers through the streets, her mask tucked safely out of sight. Her ropes hadn’t even survived one encounter. What a mess. At this rate, would she even be able to do anything…?

It didn’t matter. She couldn’t cry and give up this time. She would just have to try something different. There were things that were less flammable, right?

“Hostile actions have been ceased. Thank you.” Thos screeched, ignoring Akeru’s comment.
He turned and moved into the alleyway Shouya had escaped into, looking for any signs of his escape route.

“Do you have anything to say for that?!” Akeru shouts, waving his hands arounds in an angry fashion.

“No words are necessary.” Thos screeched in reply. “The hostile actions ceased. You may return to your business.”

「Shepherd of Fire」 picks up a stone, lights it on fire, and throws it at high speed at Thos.

The stone bounces off his armor, making a clang when it hit. Thos looks at the stand.
“Name: Shepherd of Fire. Status: hostile.”
He fires his gunstick at the stand.

「Shepherd of Fire」 dodges out of the way, scooping up a couple more rocks off the ground, while Akeru closes the gap between Thos and himself.

Thos turns to Akeru.
“Cease hostile activity.”

「Shepherd of Fire」 would flick another stone at high speeds, aiming for Thos’ eye.

The stone hit. Thos screeched angrily and fired several blasts in quick succession at the stand.

「Shepherd of Fire」 was expecting this, and tosses the stones in its hands to intercept the bolts. It then moves forward and opens up with a flurry of punches, all aimed to remove the gunstick from the robot.

Thos moved back, switching to firing at Akeru. “Ex-ter-mi-nate!”