2059: The Invasion

“I am not in the mood for any games!” Mark hissed. “You will either tell me where they are, or I will kill you and find them myself.”

Plague Knight stared at Sadie perplexedly for a moment.
“Wait, I already know you…You’re that little brat who wiped out some of my men 40 years ago!” he suddenly realized.

OOC: this is a callback to this:

the plague doctor quickly nodded. “Y-yes. That is true.”

“Who else?”

@Omega_Tahu The Paladin walks over to the wall and put his foot up against it.


Caesar starts looking around.
“Well, start looking for anything. This is your investigation, not mine.” He suddenly realizes what he said.
“Oh, crap sorry.”

Mars pauses, leaving her wallet where it is. “Yeah, I don’t have a pen. And you still didn’t tell me how much it is.”

Lauren strides down the halls, her soft shoes making her progress almost silent. Her smile has faded a bit, but her eyes are unreadable behind her sunglasses.

“I’m sorry. I’m done and I just want a normal life now.” Sadie told him, not even wanting to use her powers anymore.

“bold words berserker, can you follow them up?”

Marissa takes a step forward, her lip twisting in an annoyed sneer. She waves her hand in front of the Salesman’s face.

“Hey, buddy, I can’t sign your stupid contract if you don’t tell me how much I need to pay you. Of course, you could always get lost instead.”

“the price? I don’t deal in money.”

“Oh really? Gee, that is just too bad.” Plague Knight said as he began to circle Sadie. “You see, Mrs. Volara, I have some big plans for this planet, a plan that will help mankind, whether or not you realize it. However, some people- specifically Mark’s little ‘Majestic League’, don’t appreciate the work I am doing. I need them out of the way, so that I may carry out my plans unchallenged. And that is where you come in. Eventually, The heroes will figure out where we are holding you, and come here to rescue you. And then one by one, my associates and I will pick them off. Assuming Mark does manage to make it to you, I have something very special planned for him…”

Mark’s grip on the sword tightened as he stared at the Salesman intently. He really could kill him if he wanted to, but then he may never find Sadie, Assuming the Salesman was telling the truth. He felt conflicted.

“er-um, Kyro, and some weird dude called the Salesman and someone named Parvus.”

Marissa’s mouth parts in confusion.

“What do you mean, ‘you don’t take money’? What’s the contract for, then, my firstborn child?”

“why does everyone say that,” muttered the salesman


Mule pressed the button and the harness began stitching up the incision cleanly and quickly

“What, did you not watch any movies as a kid? It’s - oh, whatever. What am I signing off, then?”

OOC: Hey, I’m not the only one who does callbacks


Oliver woke up, cuffed up, he noticed a rocket preparing to lift off
“WHAT’S GOING ON!” He yelled, a man walked up to him, he was wearing a green suit and Oliver recognised him instantly
“Kyro?” Oliver gasped “What’s going on?”
“I’ve come a long way Oliver…” Kyro sighs
“Who are you really?” Oliver asks
“Conduits…” Kyro starts
“Detective Millie read something in your journal about a woman named Sarah!” Oliver growled
“I s’pose the conduit lie never worked?” Kyro sighed "Very well, I will tell you

I was born in 1991 to Johnathan and Jemma Syd, I was an identical twin and my parents chose to split us at birth, my father believed his wife loved him, even though he took advantage of her, until one day he found her with another woman, my father didn’t take that sort of thing well, he hid until the next day when he saw my mother wake up, he called me into the room and forced me to watch as he shot her, cut off her head and remove each body part one by one, he made me eat it that night, every last bit, but my father saw me as part of my mother, so he tried to murder me every day, when I slept and when I was awake, but I wasn’t Johnathan’s son no, no, no, I was the son of the other man, and he was not human, I would wake up in my own blood every morning, one day I went to school and met a girl, her name was Sarah and we instantly hit it off, I one day invited her to my house where my creep of a father took an instant liking to her, he took advantage of her, just like he did my mother, one day she said we couldn’t be friends, so I found my real father, I left with him and I found my brother, I met a brave warrior called Mack Marknile, I helped him, my brother convinced me to propose to Sarah, so I did we lived the life, had children and I discovered the conduits, whilst I was away, my father murdered Sarah, so I thought like Mack Marknile and hunted him down, killed everyone protecting him and cut him open and took out his body parts, and I ate them as he watched, he died watching his son eat him!" Kyro laughed maniacally “One day I met up with Harvey Scott, he tried to convince me to change but it was too late! Now I am going to fly this nuke to the sky and destroy the entire world”

“That wasn’t the plan!” The general yelled
“I’M KYRO AND I HAVE NO ■■■■■■■ PLAN!” Kyro laughed as he destroyed the base and flew off into the rocket

“what are you willing to give up?”

Oliver lay on the ground, bleeding and injured, his face was scarred and he had nothing left

“Money?” Mars asks with a smirk. “Yeah yeah, you don’t deal in money.” She turns to Mark and Justin.

“Hey, what are we willing to give up for this?” @Mctoran

Oliver rung Mark

“Not really anything.” Justin answered. Mark nodded in response.

The blade of his sword neared closer to the Salesman’s neck.
“If you don’t tell me, I will just have to find out myself. I am not giving up anything.”

“So, what did you find out?” Richard asked Mule after the interrogation.

The salesman grinned, “alright find out yourself, though you may not like what you find.” He teased, before vanishing