2059: The Invasion

“I don’t want to. Please just let me go.” She tried bargaining.

“consider it a gift,” he said as Parvus tries to grab her arm

O2 raps the door with his knuckles in six rhythmic knocks “Hello?! is anyone in?! Can I join your Super group?!” He calls, awaiting a response.

Unfortunately the Marks had followed him, they had tried to be subtle but there was over 700 of them

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Not to be rude but… could you Guys leave please? I’m going to have a somewhat intimate conversation with the people inside this building. I would rather you weren’t all crowded around outside.” He asks, with equal measures of courtesy and trepidation.

“I live here!” They all said at once

" Do you really live here? Or is this the home of the ‘Original’ Mark? " Retorted O2, scepticism noticeable in his voice.

Once they reach the lab, Catherine looks around. “You, uh…might want to take a seat.”

Shouya would look at it for a second, then fire a laser at it to see what it would do.

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The laser would disappear into the empty black space that moving the pebbles had revealed.

He then tries to drop a pebble into the hole.

It lands in the middle, level with the bottom of the pebbles.

Doug set Ash back down onto the ground, while he sat down on a bench half melted by debris.

“That’s certainly foreboding,” Lauren remarks, setting her suitcase on whatever free space she can find and finding a seat.

Snapshot scowls at the chain. Of course it didn’t work. She crouches down, setting the knife on the floor. She quickly scans over the blade, checking to see how it had fared from her experiment. Next to receive her attention is the chain; she isn’t expecting to find anything, but had to be sure.

The knife is more or less the same as it was before, any dent indistinguishable from the blade dulled through much use. The chain appears unaffected.

As he reached the upper atmosphere. The rocket would become surrounded by what appeared to be UFOs

“Kyro, this is Enigma-2, I will ask you this once. Stop. Failure to comply will result in possible death”

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“Eh, nah!” Kyro laughed

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Once all the heroes arrived back at the Mansion, Mark let them in. “Welcome, newcomer.” he said to O2 in acknowledgment.

“Okay, so we are in a tight situation. Sadie and Elias have been kidnapped, and Paradigm is missing. We don’t know exactly where they’re being held, but we think that they are most likely at Plague Knight’s base, which we’ve finally discovered the location of. So, do any of you have ideas for how we can rescue them and stop Plague Knight?”

Mark asked all the heroes.

I have an Idea on how to find the big guy Paradigm…” sugested O2 “So there’s a pile of foul smelling sludge where you guys left him right? Surely we’ve got the equipment to analyse the chemical composition of said sludge then search for him using scanners set to find high concentrations of the stuff.

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Mark nodded. “Okay, that’s a good start. Now, how should we infiltrate the villains’ lair?” he asked everyone.

I reckon its architecture is similar to that of a castle, it’ll be built to withstand full-on assaults however there’ll be secret escape routes scattered about. If anyone can get us the schematics or a scan of the place we might have a way in!” O2 briefly looks to the door behind him before returning his gaze toward Mark " Also, I feel we should do something about the hundreds of clones currently outside. They’re not hostile but they’re gonna be a problem if they see you. "