2059: The Invasion

“Well, what about the Savager guy? He was injected with Mark’s DNA and gained his powers. Who’s to say it couldn’t happen to anyone else? And maybe their mind was wiped to make them believe that they were the true Mark.”

Carlie struggled to respond to such scientific ignorance.

Toxin looked at the Plague Doctor.
“Could someone actually tell me what’s going on?” He asked, confused.

Bruce sighed. “Okay, but you owe me then.” he said, whispering as he then walks up to Ethan.

“Ethan…your family will be disappointed in you.” Bruce said. “You are a disgrace.” and with that he swings a punch at Ethan which knocks him back.

“Alright that’s enough!” he said, in anger, he charges his fist and releases a bolt of energy sending Bruce flying into a car.

Caesar floats down to where Lizard Mark was.
“Whatever the case, I have a lead on the time-traveling space man.”

Katrina grimaces.
“Okay. So… basically, you can’t lash out. You have to calm yourself. Now, what’s something that calms you down?”

“Don’t you see? You are the Prophesized One!” The Plague Doctor said as he brought out an old mystical book, showing a page to Toxin. “Our Ancient texts state that one day, a Plague Doctor would descend from the heavens, heralding the transition of Earth into a New Age…” The page in the book depicted an old drawing of a Plague Doctor that closely resembled Toxin floating down from the sky, hovering high above the worshiping Plague Doctors.

Resonate stretches,
“You know what I’m not even mad. I’m not mad…just very confused…and- they left…well…I guess I should inform him

Llillaa arrives in the room, he was messing with his ankle, so he would stop limping.

Xano stretches his arm, as he sits in an office chair. He was looking over his suit, making sure the software was finely tuned. Afterwards he checked over the antivirus software he designed and once confirmed its state glanced at a cellular device his sister had left him, in order to keep in touch. He reprogrammed it shortly afterwards to be off the network grid and to allow only a few numbers to contact him.

Gramr Meliorem was ready. Xano received a notification from his sister and he immediately goes to check it. It was the mundane message of how are you, what are your plans for the day, etc. Xano replies that he finished the suit and was planning on taking it for a test drive.

She told him some areas of town where he would less likely be spotted. Xano replies with a :smile: emoji and says thanks.

He goes off to the place she mentioned, in his suit.

“I am wasting my time this is not going to work!” Nexus said.

Bruce growled a bit in pain. “Oh, yeah, definitely.”

“Well… okay.” Toxin looked at all the Plague Doctors gathered around him.


Katrina raised her eyebrow. “At least give it a try.”

Sadie smiled “it’s Also just that well…” she blushed “I’m pregnant.” She told him, not sure how to tell him.

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“That’s better than nothing.”

“Oh, you’re pregnant…” Mark nonchalantly said as he took a sip of coffee. His eyes then widened and he suddenly spat it out, realizing what Sadie said.
“WAITWHAT?!” Mark said, surprised. He hadn’t expected this news.


Nexus sighed and thought about his daughter and calmed down.

“Okay. Let’s try again. This time, focus on what calms you.”
Katrina stepped forward, frowning. “Your family hates you.” She said.

Kyro ducked, ran, stole a car and started to escape

Mark-2 had nothing to wear so he found a man who had died in the Lizard’s chaos and stole his clothes, they were baggy trousers, a scummy looking hoodie and some cheap fake converse shoes

Nexus took a deep breath and lets out the steam doing nothing.

Katrina stepped back, grinning.
“Perfect! That was well done.”

Carlie fired a line in front of the door that Kyro tried to enter. “Don’t try it, we aren’t done with you yet.”

Mark-2 ran away, he needed to find Richard or Sadie, he remembered Richard’s mansion and started to run there

“Girls are heroes now?” Kyro sighs “You’re annoying, inconvenient, rambunctious, obnoxious, rude… Brother would’ve loved this!”