2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Bruce closed the door.
He turned his attention towards her. “He apologized for that fiasco and he asked me if there are no hard feelings between us…” he explained.

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“See? I told you.” Katrina smiled.
“He seems like a good person… it’s a shame he’s a bounty hunter and not a hero like us.”

“I said I’ll think about it.” he said as he took her gently by the waist moving her closer to him. “And I’ll tell you the same that I’ll think about it, okay?” he asked smiling as he kissed her chick.

“Okay.” Katrina said.
“Oh, shoot! We could’ve used the grenade launcher on the tank.” she realized.

“I don’t think it would have worked.” he said. “Like it works fine but not against Karson.”

“Yeah…” Katrina said thoughtfully.
“Hey, wait! I have an idea!” She ran down into the basement and began getting out some tools and supplies.
“I could create a thing that sucks up the energy and converts it into electricity! That way we can take his power, and use it for good!”

“Uh sure, while you do that I go on the computer.” Bruce said.

“Alright, cool!” Katrina said, before putting on a welding helmet. She began to create the outer design of the device.

Bruce sits on his computer. “Okay, Mercy what do you have today for us?” he asked the AI.
“You mean about the bounty hunter? I’ve found him. His name is Robert Smith and his powers are telekinesis, he also likes to go by the name GrimBlade as his bounty hunter name.”

Katrina continues working, sparks flying as she welds metal together.

Karson walks into a dingy building. A group of people look at him.
“I’m back.” He said. “Miss me?”

Grimblade sat on top of a building, eating a sandwich. He smiled. “What a day.” He thought. “New Evo City is changing… and I’m right in the middle of it. I wonder if there’s anything I can do to help the heroes…” He took a thoughtful bite of his sandwich.

“Telekinesis? Well, we now know what his weakness is…just need to implant a sound disruptor just in case he goes rogue.” Bruce said.

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“That’d work.” Katrina agreed, as she finished the casing. She began working on the hardware.

“Mercy have you’ve been working on Black Hood?” he asked.
“Yes, indeed I have, his identity is slow but I think I’ve got a diagnose on how to defeat him for good, however it is a slow progress.” the AI spoke.

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Katrina continued working on the hardware, while listening to Mercy and Bruce.

“Alright…I’ve been thinking how about we create a League of heroes?” he asked the AI.
“I am not sure I follow sir.” the AI said.
“Well not right now but it should be something in our minds I also want you to run a scan to see if there was a League before or not also have you’ve keeping an eye out of new heroes?” he asked.
“Yes, there is this new hero. He goes by the name of Spider-Man and by recent events he did killed Kyro…but not on his own will, there is this goo thing which covered his whole body.” Mercy said showing footage.
“Impulse? Hmm it does sound interesting any particular reason?” Bruce asked.
“Kyro killed someone close to him as it seems.” Mercy explained.
“Oh god no…” he said in shock seeing another footage.

Katrina continued listening as she worked, putting wires together.

“Put Jordan through please.” Bruce said.
The AI did so.
“Oh good to see you Hidden One.” Jordan said through the monitor.
Bruce had his mask and hood on hiding his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“By the looks of things I am meerley done with accusations on Shawn and his Mob family but it will take awhile, but its meerley done, we’ve changed this town for good.” Jordan said.
“I tried my best however it is not completely safe with villains such as Black Hood and now Karson aka Havoc as he resurfaced, keep going Jordan one day this city will be free.” Bruce assured him that.
Jordan nods and the transmision ended.

Katrina finished the hardware.
She stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m gonna make myself a cup of coffee.” she said, walking up into the kitchen.

“Im ok. But I will make them pay for this.” She looked around, hoping to find something to help them.

“We all will.” Elias growled. He examined the cell as well.