2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

“Mmm it does taste likes pizza.” Bruce teased.

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“Oh, come on. I brush my teeth!” Katrina joked.

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“But it does have a little taste of coffee in it too.” he said jokingly kissing her chick.

“Oh, well that would make more sense.” She said.
“I do drink a lot of coffee.”

“Yeah I don’t want to say it’s weird…” he pauses. “But it’s weird.” he joked teasingly.

“What, my addiction to coffee?” she asked.
“Coffee is my life.” She joked.

"Your life? " he chuckled. “I think we both know who’s your life really is.”

“God.” She said confidently.
“You do raise a good point.” She teased.

Psst, Harry and Bruce should probably meet sometime

“Hmm keep on guessing, honey bunny.” Bruce said touching her nose gently and move it slightly side to side as he smiled.

“No, seriously.” She teased, smiling slightly.
“God is my life.”

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“I am not buying it.” he said visibly calm, he wouldn’t lose this round no way.
“Guess one more time.” he said smirking.

“Oh, come on…” She sighed, still teasing Bruce.
“Who else could it be?” She wondered.

"What have I’ve done… " Bruce thought. “I don’t know I think his first letter name starts with b does that sound familiar?” He teased back.

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“Bob?” She asked, a wry grin forming on her face.

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Bruce laughs. “Oh come on!” he said tickling her like mad. "It’s me silly you! "

“Oh.” She pretended to be confused and surprised, while giggling.
“How would I know?” She teased.

“Aha I see you trying to be a bad girl ha?” he asked tickling her again. “Ahhh I love you so much I can’t even get mad at you when you tease like that.” he said wrapping his hands around her and turned around having her on top of him.

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Katrina smiled, and kissed Bruce, lingering and embracing him.

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He embraced her kiss. “How about I reveal them abs, ha?” he winked with his eyebrows comically as he took her hand.
“Or is that bad girl too scared?” he teased.