2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Hope squawked again she wanted a bit more. “She’s asking for more.” Bruce said.

Katrina offered another piece of meat.

Hope eat it and then she gently tried to rub her face onto Kantrina’s

Katrina allowed her to do so.

“Is this the first time you saw and held an Eagle?” Bruce asked.


Katrina nodded.

After she finishes eating, Catherine would put her helmet back on and fly off, away from the building, and start going around, looking for trouble.

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Darkwing hopped out of a shadow near where Catherine was flying. He watched her fly past, and begam to follow her. “Perhaps I can have some fun while I wait.”

Catherine saw him and stopped in the air. She then turned to face him and looked down at him. She started descending.

Tempest walks around the streets. He ponders as he strides down the stone paths, called sidewalks. Memories of his time on earth flood his head. His old car…wait is his old car still around? That thing was a classic! Anyways, there was that fight…and the other fight…man got into a lot of fights…

Tempest glances into the sky and sees some flying figures. Them being Project:Novus and Darkwing. He activates his wing pack and flies up to them. Tempest decided a joke would make a great opening.
@Runa, @meepinater

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Darkwing snapped his fingers, and an illusion if a giant ogre appeared. It roared and thumped its chest.
Darkwing smiled. “This’ll be fun.”
He saw Tempest. “Ah. Another victim.”
He snapped his fingers and an illusion of a Hydra appeared.

Catherine flew backwards slightly. “What the hell?” She mutters. “This thing’s a fantasy creature, no way it’s real.” She then turns to Tempest. “That thing, on the other hand…”

The ogre roared again. Darkwing frowned. “Lets try…”
Ths ogre disappeared, and a helicopter flew around the building straight at Catherine.

Tempest yells,
in exclamation. He looks at the Hydra, before recognizing the beast from a book, when he was young and on Earth. He looked intensely at it before saying (in Celerion),
“Pio seeho iam totuwu ri!”
Or as it translates
‘[you] Take me to your leader!’
He was a bit preoccupied by the Hydra to immediately notice Project Novus (Catherine)

Catherine dropped. “Who the hell gave that guy a licence?” She exclaimed. She then dropped down onto the ground and pointed at Darkwing. “Don’t think a series of really strange unlikely events will stop me, Project: Novus, from asking what you’re doing following me though!”

The hydra roared at Tempest.

The helicopter flew towards the ground, diving at Catherine.
Darkwing slunk into a shadow, hiding for the time being.

Catherine ran and dove to the side.

OOC: Are these illusions simply audiovisual, or can they affect sense of touch as well?

The helicopter landed, and several men clad in bulletproof armor and wielding various firearms scrambled out.
“You’re under arrest!” Shouted the biggest one.

Tempest smiles,
“That’s a s’more.”
He grabs his Plaeg Rifle and aims at the Hydra, the Plaeg was cannon that shot plasma. Being a considerate person he lowered himself to the ground, so a missed shot would go into the sky and have a chance at not hitting a living being, spare some unlucky satellite. The Gun charges up and releases on it reaches it’s full capacity.

While this happens, Catherine notices something.

The helicopter rotors weren’t letting off any air. Not even a bit.

She stands up. “Do your worst!” She tells them.