2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

“Chose a stronger material and learn to dodge.” he suggested.

Katrina nodded.
“Yeah… I think I’ve almost got a compound worked out, I just have to work on it some more.”

“Sounds good to me.” he said.

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“If you don’t mind, actually, I think I might work on that some.” Katrina replied, walking towards the basement.

Bruce nods and follows Katrina into the basement and walks over the Computer.

Katrina sets out her suit and begins to work.

He sits on his chair and starts typing on the keyboard.

Katrina continues to work, repairing her helmet.

“Mercy any luck with the League project?” he asked.

“Yes sure.” Mercy replied. “Though are you sure?” she asked.

Katrina glanced up.

“Hmm?” he said turning his head. “Oh yeah…League of Heroes…just in case another City Level Threat like Black Hood will arrive and who knows…maybe next time there might be a World Threat and there wouldn’t be a team to stop it.”

“Oh, so like the Avengers!” Katrina replied.

“You could say that, but we have no Thor.” he joked.

Katrina waved her hand, sparks coming off of it. “You sure?”

“Are you a God?” he asked grinning.

OOC: Sorry dude, there was a league in this universe and it was called The Majestic League, and it’s over! @MichaelTheLightBringer

IC: Ted watched Savager and Berserker duel, he knew Savager was evil but Berserker was crazy!

“No, there’s only one of those.” Katrina smiled.

“And he doesn’t dress up like that.” he joked. “And what am I then?”

“You’re my husband.” Katrina replied, grinning.

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“I guess that will do.” he smiled.

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