2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Perhaps it was little more than a trick of the light but Mark could of sworn leadhead’s eye port flashed red for a split second, but then again it was probably just a trick of the light

OOC: do you remember what the red light meant?

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“And risk leaving you alone, all by yourself?” he asked. “No way.” he shook his head, smiling.

Skarpix’s eyes slowly opened “Mark…” he slowly moaned “This is not the end…” Small bolts of electricity still ran through his body

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As O2 slowly approaches Servastus’ house he spots two men by a black car (which in retrospect seemed suspicious) although he simply passed it off as the men being Chauffeurs instead and left them be. Once at the Front door he knocks three times and requests to be let in.

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A kinda drunk Oliver opens the door
“Hello H20!” He chuckles
“O2!” Millie yells, excitedly


“Eyy the man the myth the legend has arrived!” Yakiv cries already somewhat inebriated

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“I wouldn’t call him the myth or the legend, but he did saved me from Nexus.” he said. “Right?” he asked O2 (@Bramsley)

Pretty sure you two were dead, but I’ll allow it!” he smiles as he walks in. “Any chance Rich’s got Bourbon in here?” scanning for errant bottles liqour. Upon hearing Yakiv’s voice he responds “Hey! Shouty Russian guy’s here too? Talk about a party.” as he picks up a glass (of what he assumed was a form of alcohol) and started to sip from it.

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“Our equipment has detected a breach in the quantum string vibrational level.” Stated the Noman operating the scanning equipment.

“Could it be the Dark Chrononaut that was foretold by the predecessors?” Asked the other.

“It is unknown, it’s entirely possible that the activity is synonymous with phenomena currently occurring in Japan. Regardless, Department 17 will be informed of the occurrence.” Replied the first Noman.

“Noted,” said the other, pulling out a large walkie talkie.

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I was pretty legendary back in ‘the day’ sonny” retorts O2, momentarily turning towards Yakiv, Oliver, and Millie mouthing the words “Does he have ID?” and pointing quite clearly at spider-man.

“I never died!” Oliver chuckled “and ain’t 02 some messaging service?”
“I don’t think you’ve met Oliver, he was in California when we last spoke…” Millie paused “I didn’t die I was just heavily injured but I woke up in a hospital a few weeks back”

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I must be thinking of Josh then, also yes but we dont talk about that because of legal reasons culminating in the shared ownership of the word.

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Spider-Man folds his arms and tilts his head. “Pretty arrogant don’t you think?” he asked. “Yeah I do have an ID but there is a reason why I came like this.”

“We’re Ukrainian” Yakiv states “We brought high quality vodka if you want some, and there’s a medal on the table for you, it’s 24 carat gold.”

“Why are you talking in those weird italics?” Oliver asked “what are you Italian?” When no one else did Oliver laughed out loud at his own joke
“He’s usually smarter than this…” Millie pauses “I think he should be getting home!”

O2 turns to Spider man and lightly looms over him “Have you ever heard of the brand Tropical Punch, well during my ‘prime’ I was asked to be representative of theirs. In addition to that I was a registered Hero who fought crime on the daily until my partner was punched out of time and space!” calming down and returning his attentions to Yakiv “thanks I really appreciate it” he smile as he heads towards the table.

OOC: I’m using italics so it’s easier to differentiate prose from dialogue. Also here is an image of O2 in his brand deal outfit.

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Spider-Man walks towards them. “Still there is no reason to be arrogant about it.” he stated. “It’s just rude and uncalled for.”

“Yeesh that’s rough buddy”

“His friend died!” Millie scowled “Do you know what it’s like? My best friend died to terrorists!”


“I lost my right arm. I need that arm.”