2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

Katrina seemed to smile a bit as Bruce did so, as if she could feel his presence and concern.

Katrina’s lungs were damaged, and her heart was not as strong as it should be.
She also had bruising on her back, as well as a hairline fracture on her right forearm.

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“It’s more likely her heart, medically speaking.” He informs, before looking over the data. “And it seems I was right. Damage to lungs is there, however it should heal on its own with little help if she takes it easy. Her heartbeat is irregular, so a defibrillator should be used to stabilize it and help set her on the right track. She also has bruising, which will heal, and a fracture in her arm, which should take a couple weeks to heal once it’s set and put into a cast.” He says, getting out the defibrillator. “Gray, get the splints.”

Catherine nods, then searches through a nearby cupboard for the splints to set her arm.

“This wasn’t her first injury but I placed her in a bacta tank and it healed her just fine, but I don’t suppose you have that or do you?” Bruce asked.

He might find a button on the back of the neck, with a glowing power symbol. It couldn’t be seen earlier as the armor of the helmet previously covered it.

Katrina shifted a bit in her sleep. Her breathing had eased a bit, but still was ragged.

“No, but after I patch her up enough to walk out of here without keeling over, feel free to take her to your healing chamber. And thank you for the idea, it’ll be helpful in the future.” He takes out the defibrillator and charges it. “Clear.” He says, before using it, the shock stabilizing Katrina’s heartbeat. He then takes the splints from Catherine and starts to brace Katrina’s arm. “Gray, can you hit the button on Xano’s neck for me, so I can try something when I’m done here.” He asks Catherine, who complies and does so.


“Your the Doc.” Bruce said stepping out and letting the Doctor take care of the problem.

Katrina’s tattoos surge with yellow as the defibrillator hits.
Her heart steadies and her pulse becomes normal.

All the lights in Xano’s suit shut off, only a core light remain.

Runa finishes bracing her arm. “She needs rest now. You can stay or go, up to you. If you go, I’ll contact you when she wakes up.” He says to Bruce as he walks over to Xano’s helmet, trying once more to carefully extract one of the strands.

“She is my girlfriend of course I’ll stay here, Doctor.” Bruce said taking a chair and turning it facing the back to Katrina sitting on the chair placing his legs on either side of the chair, using the back of the chair as an armrest. And looks at Katrina as she recovers. (@meepinater)

The glowing strand was difficult to extract, though it would eventually be extracted. It seemed stubborn, or at least it must of had an attitude. Strange considering it was a non-living substance or fiber. It did contain energetic qualities…but maybe it didn’t…one was never too careful…

After an hour, Katrina stirred and blinked her eyes open.
She rasped, “wha-?” She looked around and sees Bruce. Her confused face softens as she looks at him.
“What happened to me?” She asked.

“Glad your back babe.” he says wormly smiling. “You clearly do not have control over your powers. You accidentally hurt yourself with electricity which cause you some serious injures but thankfully you are all patched up.” (@meepinater)

Runa put it into a separate container and placed it in a machine, running multiple tests on it, mainly to determine what it was made out of, and if his theory about its affects on the human mind were correct: If it heightened brain capacity at the expense of high cognitive stress.

Katrina smiled, then it quickly faded.
“My powers… They did this.”
She groaned. “I should be training with them! Not martial arts. I let my fantasies get in the way of my safety… And yours. I’m so, so sorry!” Her eyes filled with tears.

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From his tests he would find that the fiber-like substance was a form of energy or was a energy source. The fiber itself could be equated as a pure form of potential energy, well potential energy that was quantified. This specimen was obviously modified to act to be as close as a zero-resistance wire as it could for the actual energy. That being said, just looking at brought many questions…the first being what more can it do and can it accomplish something greater than what’s already known…it should be hidden…protected…no one else should have it.

The Ignotium Energy fiber would start to have an affect on Runa’s mind. It might make him paranoid or filled with queries about this substance…

Bruce quickly panicked and stood up and went and leaned on the side of the bed facing her, he touches her chick a few times.
“Hey hey it’s not your fault okay? It’s my fault I haven’t thought this through don’t take your powers as a curse they are a gift…a gift which you’ll learn to control and I’ll help you and be with you when needed.” he warmly says he thought by kissing her as well it might calm her.

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Katrina sniffled as Bruce consoled her.
She accepted the kiss and calmed down.
“O-okay.” She said.

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“I’ll make it up to you, I feel responsible about it but hey now the past is past and sometimes it is painful but what we decided to do with that pain in the future that matters. I’ll stay here and wait till you are okay, I care about you and I’d hate to see you hurt in any way shape or form.” Bruce said touching her head gently a few times.

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