A glimpse of a few of my MOCs

None too shabby; the build, while simple, looks nice, and the color scheme works rather well. If you don’t mind some (this time actually constructive) criticism, I will say that the yellow is a bit overpowering on the knees and the back of the upper arms; I’d suggest replacing those hand pieces with Metru Blue or Silver ones. The front of the body is somewhat similarly coated in silver, but that works better as it is remnicient of the Inika chests, while still being a custom build, so good job there. :smile:

Aside from that, I’d suggest maybe switching the Piraka and Rahkshi limbs around on her lower arms and legs, just to see how that would look; I don’t know if it’ll necessarily work, but her arms seem a bit too long to me at the moment.

Last, this is a personal preference thing so don’t pay me too much mind here, but I’ve personally felt that giving hair to non-Vortixx or non-Glatorian MOCs, regardless of gender, just looks kind of weird. Again, this is just me, though, and I do like your honestly rather ingenious method of attatching the ponytail.

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Thanks. :smiley: I don’t remember if I saw that anywhere or not, so I won’t take credit for it. As for the limbs being switched…

I don’t have enough Metru Blue hands… .-.

Edit: The Piraka legs(but as arms) work better for her, facing forward. Gives her slightly more elbow movement.

(Actually I meant switch them out with the yellow hand pieces on the knees or upper arms. Sorry; should have been clearer! :laughing: )

As for the switching of the limbs, I do feel that that is more proportionate, length-wise. If you think the Piraka limbs are too bulky up there, (it’s really up to you, though; I think it could look good either way) maybe switching those with Metru leg pieces may work better; keeping the length while slimming them down a bit.

Didn’t notice this until just this picture, but I also like that you used the Mata feet down there. Pretty neat. :slight_smile:

Wow, more than 100 posts here in a single day.


Thanks. I love the look of the Mata feet. Also gives her more feminine characteristics, since most women have small feet. (sorry ladies, but it’s true) As for the hands on the limbs…

This a better distribution of color?


Yeah, that does look better. I hope this has been helpful!

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It has. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me make better MOCs.

Question. Would the community consider it to be a sin to use legendary masks for their self MOCs? Even if it’s not THE legendary mask? I have mine wearing a “fake” Avohkii. What I mean by “fake” is that it’s the original Avohkii just done in silver instead of the bronze gold that we’ve seen Takanuva wear back in 03.


m8 after all this critique ur being paranoid as --{secret-government-plans-deleted-by-NSA}–

Erm. Well, Soo many people, including some famous biotubers or mocists in general used silver Avohkiis on their self mocs.

So I’m guessing that yet again, it’s been overused and I’ll get grief by posting it…

not thinkin that, but just to be safe try another mask. What masks do you have that are silver?

Well I have the Komau in light grey… I don’t have too many masks…

Probably not as bad as before (I would like to apologize for that, again) but it’s still probably not the best thing unless you have a really good explanation.

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Mostly just that he forged his own mask. He’s a trained assassin with a large spire as a weapon(inspired by toa haga). He’s a fire toa all decked out in lego knights armor. Interestingly enough, the leg armor I chose for him fit rather well with his Metru feet.

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Ever so much.

Actually, seeing an old gold Kanohi would be much more refreshing than the silver one, same principle applies with the Ignika.


Very nice! I like this type of color scheme personally and it’s well distributed. The slight changes to the inika build look nice. I’m not so sure about the upper leg armor, but not knowing what pieces you have idk what to suggest. I personally prefered the legs/arms better before you switched them, but both ways look good to me.

Also, @ColdGoldLazarus unless I’m mistaken the length of the arms/legs didn’t change any with the switch. The Piraka and Rahkshi leg pieces are the exact same length. Switching with Metru would shorten them some tho.

This is pretty cool. I like the incorporation of pieces from HF and KK. The colour scheme is a bit used, although I’m not one to talk, because my Self-MoC’s black with splashes of white.

It could use an accent colour, but the build looks sturdy.

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Y’know, I’m practically the only one that actually liked this Before Var had to ome in to Stop the Madness..It’s nice, solid, and feminine, while retainong the headstrong appearance. I must say, I’d give it a 100/10 anyday.

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Thanks man. That means a lot to me. I just wish more people appreciated how much time I spent on her design.

I can appreciate time spent making something. I’ve been in the community for over a year now and only just now stopped working on my Self-MOC every single day, granted I am still working on a Self-MOC. Just not Ekorak in specific.

I understand it is frustrating that you’ve spent a long time working on this MOC, but you come over here and have a whole bunch of MOCers, elite or not, rip it to shreds for mistakes other people made. And for that, I am sorry for my initial reaction.

But, on the other hand, these are mistakes that could be fixed in a matter of minutes. Give her a different head, swap some stuff around, and try a custom torso, and this could be a really interesting MOC, although the color scheme might be generic.

My only real gripe with the second MOC is that it’s so incredibly barebones and simple. A custom torso could do that MOC wonders, as the colors are fairly neat.