A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

OOC: You guys were just standing out there talking.

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OOC For like 5 mintutes? Just pointing it out. I don’t have a problem with it imo.

OOC: He’s secretly Usain bolt.


IC: Monty watched them from a window.

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“Anyway, if we’re gonna go to my place we better start heading there now. Who knows, he might come back?” James prompts.

Deja shrugs “I’m down.”

Monty unlocked the front door, and quitely went outside, doing his best to remain unseen.

“Okay then, let’s go.” James leads the group back towards his house.

Jacob thinks he sees something, but just thinks it’s a trick of the light.

Deja gently walks along

Jacob facepalms because it reminds him of how badly he screwed up.

Monty did his best to hide behing whatever was available to him, whether it was a tree, or a parked car.

James: I feel like we’re being watched, and I don’t like it.

Deja plays on her phone

Monty hid behind a fence.

OOC Boi. Who hides behind a fence

OOC: Monty. Monty hides behind a fence.

OOC: I still can’t get over that name, just sounds like a right posho lol. Epic serial killer naem mah boi.

OOC: Many thanks.

Bailey pheonix down the topic by walking up to ideruba “this place looks devoid of life”

Ideruba “That makes sense.” He looks at the oil that was leaking from the fire wood

Joey falls out of a tree in front of Deja, Jacob, And James.