A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

OC: Dam! Liam can take a arrow to the shoulder and still run? :).

OOC At least he didnt get hit in the knee.

OOC: true just normally most people would have been frozen out of shock.

OOC the previous was a reference

I’d run if I were shot. Idk. I havent been shot

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OOC: I mean only reason I say that I’m surprised he could still run is because I have some very stupid friends.

Aris walks around the block, listening to Chop Suey

IC: Senor Murder-Man begins looking for Mr. Arrowman (that is, the Killer looks for the source of the arrow).

He keeps his pistol aimed for any targets.

OOC: what else would you do tho

OOC: Literal interpretation of that reference XD

Ba Yek trails Liam from the trees.

Liam pulls his revolver semi out of his bag, running at full tilt, adrenaline pumping

A arrow shoots the revolvers hammer causing it to fire.

(That is not how that works)

Liam puts the safety on

OOC My question is who casually brings one with them.

Yeah. Not how that works

OOC Well technically it would because before a said that he didn’t write anything about the safety being on and if you hit a guns hammer hard enough it will go off if the safety is off.

Ooc- I wanna know where you learned that.

IC: The Murder-Man runs haphazardly through the forest, looking for Green Arrow, or Hawkeye, or anyone who is responsible for the arrows.

OOC I mean arrows can’t aim that well

In most cases

OOC: (@BrokenAxels ) I have a really idiotic friend, well anyways he tied his pistol down to a table and it was facing away and he was hitting the hammer with a rock and after the second time it went off.
Now that I think about the chance of the arrow hitting it would be a million to one.

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OOC People getting Murdered, and disappearing and stuff and you wouldn’t?

OOC Well. Would he remember most of that?

Eh. Its not reallu a big issue at this point in the story