A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

#Time skip.
#10 mintute before school starts.

Ideruba checks out the high school Maybe I should shoot it up.
Ike You shouldn’t.
Lily Or you could kill the ones who are like me.

Deja walks onto campus “I can’t wait for senior year to end.”

Ooc: no idea how American schools work, would. I be able to talk to you right now?

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Bailey walks in, looking tired and holding a cup of coffee yay school… he said sarcastically to himself “Wonder where the others are” he yawned

Ooc I’ll just guess yes

Jacob noticed deja and approached.

“Hey deja, last night was fun right?”

OOC Where Ever you live, do you guys not talk before the school opens up?
IC Deja winks and jokes “Say it like that and prop will take it wrong.”

Ooc eh I suppose we do lol

Jacob goes red.

“Whatever, let em judge.” He grins.

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Joey rides his bike to school then walks to class laughing like crazy.

OOC : p.s. Joey is just slightly insane.

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Bailey greets everyone from the party before heading to his class

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Joey sits down at his desk and starts reading a book.

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Deja leaves him and heads to class

Joey thinks to himself
if a penguin were loaded into an rpg would it then be called a rpp?

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Ooc- rocket propelled grenade

rocket propelled penguin

yeah i think so

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Ooc now what? Surely they’re in different classes, what are we all meant to do now?

OOC It would be called a rpg containing a dead penguin

Technically everyone wasn’t supposed to go to class because school didn’t open up but I went with everyone else’s flow.

Eh. Do whatever for now

Ooc- who said it was dead :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Jacob heads to class as well. On the way he bumps into James. The two recognise and acknowledge each other, and move on.


Lunch has begun, and Jacob has finally gotten out of class.

Ugh, that was even worse than normal.

Deja was in the library.

Bailey heads to lunch, hoping that people from the party would be there

Jacob walks into lunch and lines up. He notices Bailey.

“Hey I remember you, you were at the party, right?”

“yeah, hey”