A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

IC: A plainly clothed student watches Lauren from afar. A bit too far to be normal, and from this distance she cannot see his face.

Something is terribly wrong.

Jacob sighed and searched for another book to read.

Meanwhile James had found what he was looking for, one of the Artemis Fowl books: The Lost Colony.

Ideruba turns off the speakers and runs outside
Ike “Man. It’s nice out.”

Deja walks back into the library

Lauren leans against a tree near the edge of school property.

OOC; Last post before I depart.

IC: The unfamiliar student walked up to Lauren, smiling faintly. He carries a large black bag, and is wearing normal, uniform-style tan clothes. His smile is wrong.

“Excuse me, but I think we’ve met.”

He reaches into his pants pocket and draws out a large hunting knife. At the same time, he withdraws a familiar white object from the bag and puts it over his face.

The red-tear mask smiles at her as he lifts the knife.

“I like you. A whole lot in fact.”

“That’s why I’ll be gentle.”

In a sudden motion, the masked thing moves, losing all human characteristics as it does. Its movement is like a puppet, arms twisting like they are on strings as they leverage the knife between them and Lauren.

“No noises now please. I want us both to enjoy the moment.”

It flicks the knife suddenly, stabbing at her heart directly.
The thing makes no noise, and its face is hidden behind the mask.
But behind the mask…

…it is smiling.

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Air hisses through Lauren’s throat, but there is no scream. Her voice can’t seem to work. Can’t seem to plead, to rage, to cry for her truncated life. There’s only the whoosh of her breath… and the gurgle of blood. Lauren stares in shock. She can feel her phone buzz in her pocket. Kara. She wonders how long it will take Kara to come looking for her. How long one can live with a punctured heart.

As she stares at the monster that is doing this to her, her eyes hold no fear. Fear is for when the outcome is uncertain. There’s no uncertainty here. Not anymore.

Ooc can I introduce my killer? I haz plans :stuck_out_tongue:

Ic- Bailey read on his phone, he looked a but lifeless ugh why can’t school be over already…

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Ideruba looks over “neato.”
Ike “And we aren’t helping her because?”
Lily “Dead corpses are easier t-”
Ideruba “You can do an autopsy. Why don’t you?”
Lily “Touche.”
Ike pulls out a phone and calls the police.

Bailey tugs his sleeve down and a kid walks over to him

“Well hello Bailey” they Snicker

“Hi” Bailey says, clearly annoyed “what do you want this time?”

Jacob looks up from his book searching to see Deja. He gives her a half-smile.


James had sat down to read his book now.

IC: The puppet-thing wraps its arms around Lauren as she falls, murmuring quietly as it holds her body upright. “Don’t worry. You are free now. No one else can hurt you anymore.”

It slowly lowers her to the ground, propping her up against the tree like she is sleeping. “Now rest. I have others to deal with, and I will NOT be so kind…”

The masked head swivels, and the figure starts running.

Ideruba sees the mad thing moving at him/them, faster than any normal person should be able to. They seem much angrier now.

Very much angrier.

IC: David closes the book and looks up. Huh. A surprising amount of people from the party last weekend are here now. How odd. Maybe he could-

But would they listen? No, he doubted that.

Lauren lays there, the light fading from her eyes. It’s like falling asleep, except for the pain in her chest. And this time, there will be no nightmares.

Deja waves back “Hey dude.”[quote=“Kirathel, post:1057, topic:40086”]
The puppet-thing wraps

OOC Um… No magic and stuff… It has to somewhat fit real life.
IC Lily shrugs and shakes a can “I trust you okay guys.”
Ideruba nods and gets in a boxing stance.

The kid attempts to lift up Bailey’s sleeve but he pulls his arm back “get the f*ck off me” he growls a bit"

“Or what, it’s 5-1 here idiot”

“And you’re gonna gang up on me in the middle of the cafeteria? Real smart move”

“I’ll deal with you later” he walks off, four others joining him

Robert watches intently, still listening to music.

Bailey mutters “D*mn idiots.”

Robert waves.

Bailey sees him and waves back, tugging down his sleeve again

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OOC: A person who kills people for fun, with magical time loops, is not going to look or act normal unless they want/need to. They aren’t an actual puppet demon, the person is just moving in a disjointed, odd way that makes them seem artificial.

IC: The killer is in front of Ideruba in a second, knife held loosely in one hand. “I was kind to her because I liked her. More than you anyway.”

The mask emanates an aura of malice as the figure raises the knife. “You on the other hand, I don’t. None of you.”

The figure stabs at Ideruba, voice abruptly cutting off.

Ideruba rolls away “Kinky. You into dead corpses? It sounds like it in a way.” He grins
Ike “And shut the ■■■■ up.”
Lily “Maybe we should be doing the autopsy instead. Also why is no-one helping us?”