A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

OOC Um… I sense a contradiction.

OOC but it was a knife that was in his pocket therefore it is a pocket knife

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OOC Uh. Not sure that’s how a picks knife works but meh

IC: The killer kneels and retrieves the MP3. He looks at the list, and lets it play for a moment. “A duel. But not so appropriate.”

He clicks one of the button’s, cycling thru the songs before finally stopping.

“You’ll be back, time will tell. See, there’s no way out of this hell.”

He continues humming as he takes a step toward Lauren. And another, and another.

“For your hearts, for these chains, to be free of these repeating days.”

He stops humming and looks at her. Slowly, he reaches up and touches the mask with a gloved hand. “Catchy, don’t you think? And true. No way out. And I’ve looked for one.”

“There isn’t one.”

Bailey glared, making it clear that if he attacked, bailey would do all he could, which may not have been much, to make sure the killer ended up the victim

“Hey there guys! So what’s there to do around here?”

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There was a knock on the door

“Wonder who that could be?”

“h-hello? i heard there w-was a party?” the voice sounded meek, as if the person seemed a bit scared to be there

“Sure, come in, we don’t bite… Well I’m not sure about Ideruba but I don’t bite!”

someone about 14 years of age walked in “hi…”

Down the street Joey keeps fighting and has either knocked out or injured everyone in the gang that was trying to kill him. He then walks to the house the party was at and knocks on the door.

OOC That’s a really bad gang lmao.

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OOC: either that or Joey is a really good fighter.

OOC I mean i meant for all tbe characters to be normal and not an action anime so meh

OOC: I think I put in my signup that Joey takes tae-Kwan-doe classes


OOC: sorry I forgot about the not being able to know a martial arts ,but I think a could probably kick some serious ■■■ if I had a knife witch I did.

OOC We all would lmao

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Joey continues knocking on the door so he can enter the party.