AceGreenLegend's Bionicle Abridged: Island of Lost Masks

Six Heroes. One Destiny. Who ate all the pies?

Led by me and featuring The 1st Shadow as Kulta, this entry for Team Four Star’s Tenkaichi Ironman Budokai Abridgathon is an adaptation of the entire series of Bionicle 2015 animations. First drafted on June 3rd and finished on June 29th, this < 9 minute video is exactly what you would expect from an Abridged video, only without cursing.

I know for a fact that I’m not the first person to make an abridged version of these animations, but I’ve tried to give it a personal - if not possibly generic - twist.

I would post a full cast list, but many members would like to stay anonymous and the majority aren’t members here.

So sit back, enjoy, and don’t h8 m8.


Amazing, very funny!
For some reason I expected a joke about how brief the Skull Basher fight was in the animations though.

I needed to cram the video into under 10 minutes, so I cut out the cave scene, the Skull Scorpio fight, and the Skull Basher fight. It didn’t really impact the story, but I may write it as an extra scene in the future.

If this takes off well and I can get the crew back together reliably, I may attempt a Journey to One Abridged, assuming that Lego doesn’t Content ID the crap out of it. Some scenes of this video were Content ID’d because footage was used in the prologue for Journey to One, but it only counted as a copyright claim and not a copyright strike, so I may be in the clear.

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Good Luck
since you must make them Laugh in the first 30 seconds

you need to win

Well, I tried. That’s part of the reason that the disclaimer is sped up. Not to dig into other people’s projects, but I saw Team.EXE’s entry and the first 30 seconds only really had one joke and it didn’t make me crack a smile. I can really only hope that one of the judges at least chuckles.

Regardless of if I win, I don’t regret making this. My YouTube channel already has 104 subscribers, and hopefully I’ll be able to develop an audience for my own. If it hits 10k views, I’ll make JtO Abridged. A music video I posted as filler during a channel hiatus has 121k views, and I didn’t spread it much. Hopefully, by spreading this to the different Bionicle communities I’m a part of, I’ll be able to entertain some folks.

As someone else who has been working on creating a Bionicle Abridged series, i must say this is fairly well done; Audio is clear, no issues with the editing, couple of funny scenes. I’m impressed you managed to get a cast and get a completed abridged out of it, given working with others before i know the difficulties of arranging voice recordings and lines. A lot of stuff goes on behind-the-scenes that is often not appreciated by the general viewer, so in terms of that i must say I found this very enjoyable.

Only thing i would suggest with future abridged series is to try and make the jokes more ‘your thing’ - as a lot of them seemed to be leaning on parodying other abridged series, which is fine - but without it being something that’s created for your own abridged series then you’ll just remind people of other abridged shows.

Essentially if i watch an abridged series, i don’t mind if it has jokes and parodies I’ve seen done elsewhere before, as long as it also brings something unique or original to the table in either demonstrating those aspects or simply in terms of providing a new joke or idea.

Thank you for your thoughts!

I will contest your comment about jokes mostly stemming from other abridged series. A lot of my jokes are analogies to other source material - the scene of Tahu putting on the Golden Mask of Fire was a reference to Goku turning Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball Z, Pohatu is portrayed to be Batman, Onua is portrayed to be Groot (which I will make a plot point in JtO if I can get the crew back together), Ekimu is Buzz Lightyear, Kulta is Zurg, an exchange between Tahu and Lewa when they fall into the Skull Warrior trap was lifted from Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows, I threw in a few references to The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Power Rangers, F-Zero, and Sonic Heroes, I customized the classic Batman transition, and I made a bad Tomb Raider joke. However, aside from the generic opening text, I don’t remember that I made jokes about other abridged series. The only abridged series I watch are Team Four Star’s DBZ, Team Four Star’s FFVII, Something Witty Entertainment’s SAO, Team.EXE’s Mega Man NT Warrior, Sonic F, and a really old Mega Man Legends abridged. I took a glance at a few other Bionicle Abridges just to see what other people were able to do with the material, but I don’t recall making any jokes about other abridged series. Feel free to point them out - they were likely unintentional.

I was nearly hoping for a Tahu growling joke, but as it is, it’s pretty humorous.

This was fun to watch. Good job with the voice syncing, I used to do stuff in WMM and it was pretty tough.

I’ve used video editing software a lot growing up, so it’s become natural to me. I don’t use WMM anymore, but I used to use Pinnacle. Currently, I’m using Sony Movie Studio Platinum.

I’m glad you enjoyed watching it!

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I read Studio Platinum as Star Platinum
also I just checked the rules again
You may use anything you like as source material, with the following exceptions:
Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, and Dragonball Super
Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate
Attack on Titan
Final Fantasy VII
Sword Art Online
Naruto, Naruto Shippuden
And all spinoffs of the above!
Kingdom Hearts footage may be used as long as no Final Fantasy VII characters appear in the final entry.
wouldn’t References to the shows count as that?

I don’t think so. I never mention any characters from any of those in concept or by name. Rewatch the video, I don’t believe I did anything violating the contest rules.

Just quoting “And this is to go even further beyond” shouldn’t disqualify anything. It’s like using “No, I am your Father.” It’s a single-line reference that can be identified as such but not anything with a story connection or otherwise (even though the latter is often misquoted as “Luke, I am your father.”) It isn’t source material. They were really emphasizing not using other characters used in abridged series they either abridge themselves or have partnerships with; that way they don’t have to worry about conflicting uses of the same cast. Goku doesn’t show up for the line, so I don’t see the problem.

Edited for Double Post - Waj