American vs British Sport

well yeah maybe but I think it’s kinda dumb ¯\(ツ)

There is only one true Football, and it uses primarily feet for most of the sports activity (LIKE FOOTBALL SHOULD)

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Actually there’s 7

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in your opinion :^)

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Nope, thats a fact. If the sport is so defined by the one thing it uses the most (like the feet with true football) then it should be called like that. The American thing barely uses feet in its sport, it should be called American Rugby, those two sports have more in common than calling it football (American football has nothing to do with actual Football) . the use of feet are not what define American football, therefor logically it should not be called as such.

The pig skin isnt even able to be kicked around by the feet that much without it going all over the place where you dont want it to go, its perfectly made to be held in hands and thrown to each other by hands.

But the definition of football is any sport played with a ball on foot, and the foot is involved. Not what you said. So Football is not the only football, it simply shares the name. That’s why there’s 7 different types of football.

Funnily enough rugby is one of them, so that’s not a good example of why American Football shouldn’t be called football


I like soccer (football, whatever you wanna call it) but other than that American sports win for me