Amplified Fun (RP Topic)

“Good question,” Wraithe smiles.

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“Oh, I’ll figure out,” Malcolm says dismissively.

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Vladimir “We should just walk around the outside of the place and take notes for now.”

Bailey nods “Wont that seem a bit fishy though? Shouldn’t we all go at different times and inspect different sections so we don’t raise as much suspicion? am i overthinking this?”

“That’s why act like passerbys.”

“True, but a group visiting the same place and inspecting it would look odd, right?”

“True. But that’s a bit time consuming for what we’re doing. Gotta live on the edge.”

“Some can hide, and some dont”

“That seems like a hassle.”

“I mean… I’ll probably be hiding anyways so…” Flare replied, trailing off.

“At least some of us wouldn’t be captured”

“Pfft. We’ll be fine.”

“That’s what they said last time…” Wraithe murmurs quietly.

“This time is different.”

Malcolm is already walking out the door, heading for their target.

Wraithe sparks after him, blocking his way. “Where do you think you’re going without the rest of us?”

Malvo pushes past Wraithe. “I know you’re a bit slow, but can you really not figure that out?”

“Slow?” Wraithe coughs. He sparks into a power outlet, giving off a faint blue light trail across the wall as he races across the wall, around the warehouse, and out the other side in a few seconds. “My dear sir, I am offended!”

“And my point is made.” Malcolm walks away from the building.

Alexis follows grabbing a hat “Lets go~”