Amplified Fun (RP Topic)

“It could be though…~” Flare said, talking in a semi-quiet tone to himself.

“I agree with him.” Ryan says pointing towards Flare
OOC/ kai why do you put a ~ after every sentence?

OOC: Because.~

Actually, it’s generally used to show a ‘sly’ tone of voice/way of speaking without needing to directly state it.

OOC/ that’s neat

Alexis sighs “We don’t want more of a ruckus then it already is. We have murder. Bullets. Idiots. Whats the point?”

“Well… I guess that is a fair point… tell me, how… advanced would you say their detection system is?” Flare asked, a surprisingly serious tone overtaking his speech.

Alexis sighs facepalming “Anyone can notice god ■■■■ gun shots.”

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“No no, I mean detection as in the interior cameras and related devices. Hypothetically would it detect someone suddenly 'teleporting into the security room?” He asked, a ponderous look on his face as he spoke.

“We can try I guess. Lets wait for Sparkie though.”

“Instead of you warping in couldn’t wraith just do to the security systems what he did to Vladimir’s computer?” Ryan says.

“Eh, I mean my way at least you had an excuse to kill the guards…” Flare replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

“If you can get me to the security room I could turn everyone in it to charcoal.”

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“… I like this idea and could work with it…”

“I mean I do have this…” Ryan says removing a canister filled with gas from his dagger

“… I like that dagger.”

Alexis sighs “What a bunch of dimwits…”
Vladimir sighs “Lets not kill. Its gonna attract government people after us and crap.”

“So if you can get me in, I toss this, blast it with fire, and you get us out, Simple.” Ryan says putting the canister back in the dagger, and totally ignoring Vladimir

“I can do that! Also, I really don’t think I could have government people on me, or at least no more than I already might have.” Flare replied, calling out to Vladmir without looking towards him, a manic cackle bubbling out of his throat as he finished.

“I agree with those two”

Vladimir sighs as he glances towards the sky “No seriously though. One of those “heroes” might pop up soon.”