Angels and Demons: The Fall (signups and discussion)

Long ago, in a time immemorial, The Multiverse was ruled by Five great and powerful races, whose duties were meant to maintain the balance of the cosmic scales. However, the alliance has been crumbled by a great betrayal, and the balance has shifted.

By this point, The Council of Life has been at war with The Xir’algath for the last 100 years, locked in a violent bloody conflict. However, yet another enemy is beginning to surface against the angels, an enemy from within; Demons, fallen angels. The Council of Life is losing numbers of their own to a vile corruption generated by one of their most once-trusted members, which has transformed the angels into monstrous demonic entities. Now, brothers are forced to wage war not only against The Xir’algath but amongst themselves as well. Will the Angels prevail, and purge the darkness with their light? Or will they themselves fall victim to the corruption, joining the ranks of their demonic ilk?

This RP is the farthest back prequel on the timeline of The Mctoran-Verse, and it has been co-developed with the help of @MichaelBT-7474, who has also chosen to help control some of my characters as well. This RP is set at the height of the first war between The Council of Life and The Xir’algath. However, this is not about that. As you can read in the title, it’s all about the war between the angels and demons, which had occurred simultaneously to the Angel-Xir’algath war in the lore of The Mctoran-Verse. The Xir’algath, and all the other Multiversal races besides the Council of Life for that matter, will not have precedence in this RP, only existing in the background of the story. So while certain beings and events may be referenced or cameoed, they cannot actually make appearances in this RP as full characters.

Before participating in this RP, it is Required that you carefully read the below Wiki articles:

(However, the “History” sections of the articles are optional)

They contain all the necessary information about the Angels and Demons as both races and cultures, as well as their biological information. It is much simpler and easier for you to just read these on the wiki, rather than me having to long-windedly reiterate all their info here.


Angels and Demons only

That being said, the only types of characters that will be in this RP are Angels and Angelic beings, and Demons and demonic beings; The difference being that Angelic and Demonic beings are not “true” Angels or Demons, instead being synthetic versions which emulate the qualities and traits of Angels or Demons, and/or are affiliated with Angels or Demons.

Respect and obey The GM

I am the GM of this RP. I run the RP and decide its ultimate outcome. I could promote someone to co-GM and just as easily fire them, or shut down the whole RP on a whim.
I, like all GMs, wield the same power and authority of site Moderators, and I expect to be treated and respected like a moderator. So know my power, and consider what I am capable of before committing any misconduct.

Respect and obey The GM’s story and lore

This is an extension of the above rule.

I am the GM who created this RP and designed its concept. I designed most of its lore, and this is my Universe and story in which you are playing. That means that there are certain boundaries lore-wise that you cannot cross. It could be anything, and I don’t have to give a complicated explanation as to why I don’t want you to do something that may change my lore. Just know that it contradicts what has already been established or is being planned, and respect that my wishes.

I would always prefer if you would first approach me in private about making certain decisions in the RP that may affect the story or lore, before actually implementing it. It would make things much more smoother, and I could even help to rework your idea into something better-fitting. It would be much better than you just flat out revealing an earth-shattering revelation or performing some grand event that goes against my plans, and then me having to make you retcon or change it.

Respect the Story and Lore of other Players

This rule is pretty much the exact same as the above one, except it applies to the lore and story of other players that has already been preestablished in my universe.

No OP or Ridiculously powerful characters.

While the characters themselves may be very powerful beings in general, I will not allow a character that is blatantly unfairly more powerful than most other characters (except for my own of course). Be creative, but no OP characters. you don’t need them to be creative or unique. I’m sure there are plenty of ideas to choose from up there in that brain of yours. Just create something that you’ll have fun with, but not at the expense of other players’ enjoyment.

No Autohitting, Autododging, No-Selling or Metagaming.

This speaks for itself.

Follow Basic, Common Logic.

Just because I may not include everything that is/isn’t allowed in the RP, it doesn’t mean that you should exploit the loopholes. I’m not stupid. So if I don’t say “dont control characters that don’t belong to you without permission”, it doesn’t mean that you can. Do what you think is morally right, respectful and within the proper boundaries.

Respect others.

This rule is the most obvious and self-explanatory one, but it must be reiterated for the sake of certainty:

Do not disrespect, insult or argue with others. If you feel there is a problem with another player, talk to me in a private PM so that it can be properly dealt with.




Species:(This is where the “Order” of the character is listed. Which Angelic or Demonic Order do they belong to? If the character is a demon, they have to be an angel at first at the beginning of the RP, before they are transformed. But don’t worry about that, because they won’t remain Angels for very long. If the character is angelic or demonic rather than being a true angel or demon, than they will instead just be listed as “Angelic being” or “Demonic being”, without an Order.)

Powers and Abilities:

Equipment and Weapons:

Appearance:(A written description or image of the character)


Bio:(This is where the character’s prior history is accounted, as well as their current circumstances at the beginning of their RP)

Accepted characters:

“Trailer music” for the RP:


Is anyone aware that we’re ruled by M&M?

Name: Dominus Daemonium
Gender: Male
Species: Demon (Fallen angel)
Powers: Fire breathing, flying
Weapons: Bladed staff

Personality: Dark, full of anger
Daemonium is a foster angel, turned by his anger and other fallen angels into a demon. He worked as a scientist, inventing weapons for the council to end the war. But he began getting disapproved by the council and got lured by other demons into the darkness.



Name: Archangel Cassiel, Breaker of Souls
Gender: Male
Species: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Cassiel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Supernatural Wisdom: Cassiel is supernaturally wiser than most Angels, except for Grand Seraphim and Auriel, but he is up there with them. Because his capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making him immensely wiser.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Cassiel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Xalnergy Manipulation: Cassiel is the only Archangel in the entire Realm of Life who can control Xalnergy and not fall victim to its madness. He can create, use, shape and manipulate Xalnergy as he can with Primordial Energy.
Dualism: Cassiel can manipulate Primordial Energy and Xalnergy to his will. He is the perfect embodiment of duality. There are two sides of the same coin, light and dark, order and chaos, creation and destruction, life and death, angel and demon. Cassiel is right in the middle and is the perfect embodiment of balance and duality.
Holy Fire Manipulation: Cassiel can use, create, shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies, but usually blue, white, or normal if light shades of fire.
Hellfire Manipulation: Cassiel can manipulate the cursed flames of Hell, which can completely destroy anything. The color of the flames varies but may be black, blue, white, or the normal shades of fire, although probably in some way noticeably unusual. Sometimes, the flames are not generated but instead summoned from the depths of Hell itself. Also, it can cause excruciating pain upon contact or instead cause instant death.
Demonic Light Manipulation: Cassiel can generate and manipulate the mystical light of hell, which can completely destroy anything. The color of the light varies but may be black, blue, white or the normal shade of light, etc. Sometimes, the light isn’t generated but instead is summoned from the planes of hell itself. Demonic Light can cause excruciating pain upon contact, or cause instant death, but can possibly be used for relatively beneficial purposes, such as summoning spirits of the deceased temporarily back to the world of living from Hell.
Violet Flame: The Violet Flame is the most tangible and most expressive of all the seven Flames in the physical plane. It reflects the quality and relationships that exist between spirit and matter, and due to these properties, the seventh violet Ray is sometimes called ceremonial or magical Ray, a Ray of rhythm, ritual, law, and order, organization, and group consciousness. The rhythm of the violet ray builds, integrates, manifests, and circulates in our bodies. The violet ray carries along with the Divine qualities of love, mercy, compassion, spiritual transfiguration and transformation, and freedom. Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of ceremony and invocation of the Divine powers, is the most prominent representative of the violet Flame

Equipment and Weapons:

[details=The Soulbreaker]The Soulbreaker: The Soulbreaker Blade is a Legendary Weapon crafted by the greatest of Angel Blacksmiths with the use of the most perfected form of the Angelic Steel, the blade was dawned. It was specially designed for Cassiel because of his balance in life, being able to use the powers of creation and destruction whenever he chooses. The ability that earned its name is that it’s capable of destroying the soul of a being, completely annihilating it. It can also absorb souls and use them to increase the Blade’s powers, the more souls it has, the stronger it becomes.



Personality: If Cassiel can be described at best, he would be described as a loose cannon, questioning beings such as the Grand Seraphim himself. While learning every piece of Knowledge he can get his hands on and use his Wisdom and Balance within the spectrum to guide his fellow angels, should they need his help. Because deep inside him, he cares, a lot.

Bio: Cassiel is the Leader of the Archangel Breakers and Right Hand to the Leading Archangel Donatello, time and time again he has been experimenting with Xalnergy, and found out he can control it without turning into a monstrous being. Of course, some see that as a blasphemous act, against the Grand Seraphim but he cares very little, as he believes that if one needs to understand how things work, they need to learn both spectrums of life and balance. Besides that he often goes to the Great Libary of the Infintes where he meets Auriel almost every day, he doesn’t shy to say that her presence, her warmth and glow she gives off, is certainly soothing.

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Name: Archangel Varmiel, Breaker of Stars
Gender: Male
Species: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Varmiel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Fire Manipulation: Varmiel can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire’s intensity will be different.
Holy Fire Manipulation: Varmiel can use, create, shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies, but usually blue, white, or normal if light shades of fire.
Flame Diving Wings: Varmiel with the use of his Fire Manipulative abilities can completely engulf his flames with fire or holy fire. With them he can use his wings so to speak and throw projectiles that are known as Fire Feathers, they are deadly as an arrow and can be compared with Auriel’s Bow shots, which deals incredible damage.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Varmiel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy
Ruby Flame: The Ruby ray is a flame of love, devoted service, spiritual healing, and idealism. This is a Ray of determination, abstraction, and aspiration directed toward the causal areas of the human being. In the core of this Flame, we find equity, disposition towards spirituality, ability to experience inner light, the capacity of recognizing good. The basic attribute of the sixth Ray is the quality of peace, attained as a consequence of understanding and accepting the truth, and only after the previous total consecration and dedication.

Equipment and Weapons:

[details=The Starbreaker]The Starbreaker: Starbreaker is a long saber that has been forged by the Realm of Life’s best Angel Blacksmiths with the use of a dying star, that specialized the Angelic Steel to its highest standards. Starbreaker has an Energy Manipulative abilities, that can charge the blade with Energy, this time being Primordial Energy. With it, he can send destructive energy blasts out of the blade with a swing of the saber. It is able to crack the ground in half and destroying Stars, thus Varmiel earned himself the Title, Breaker of Stars.



Personality: Varmiel is a very prideful Angel, but not in an arrogant way, even if at times he seems to be like that. His pride is as big as his ego and fragile as a paper. He enjoys a good fight with powerful opponents and at times he is very disappointed that he hasn’t found his strongest match yet. At times he can have a bit of dark or prideful humor, but he means well. If one could say, if a Viking’s ego had the form of an Angel, Varmiel was it.

Bio: Varmiel is the second member of the Breakers group, though at first, he was against Cassiel being the leader of the group. He has grown to respect and fear him, perhaps or perhaps not because Cassiel showed Varmiel’s place more than a few times, be it with words or actual physical interaction, from his constant challenge for the role of leadership. However, he has accepted the fact that Cassiel is a better leader than he would be.

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Name: Ryen Screjth (scre-chth)

Gender: Female

Species: Maiar

Powers and Abilities: Ryen is extremely adept at manipulating and reading minds. However, she only uses this power to help people.

Equipment and Weapons: Ryen wields a smooth, white staff with a branched out end.

She also has a bag with a variety of teas and soothing drinks.

Appearance: Ryen is short and slim, with light grey eyes. She keeps her black hair short, growing it just past her eyes.

Personality: Ryen is often soft-spoken. She’s very caring about those she knows, and she often tries tor resolve situations with words, and not violence.

Bio: Before her training, Ryen used her powers to manipulate others to do what she wanted. When this abuse of power caused her to lose her caretakers, she was left without anyone. The Council of Wizards found her and took her in, recognizing a fellow Maiar. They trained her how to use her powers for good, and ever since then, she’s been a good person.



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Name: Archangel Hamael, Breaker of Skulls

Gender: Female

Species: Angel Knight, Archangel

Powers and abilities:

Supernatural Condition: Hamael’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because her capabilities are beyond natural levels, making her immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.

Supernatural Strength: Unlike Archangel Michael, who ever since he could walk possessed supernatural strength. Hamael had to work to earn her own strength to become naturally strong. She trained day and night with her fellow Breakers for several centuries, tuning her body into a deadly weapon of destruction. Hamael pushed her limits beyond the natural level, making her immensely strong and a close second to Archangel Michael’s strength. She can lift immense amounts of weight, twenty times her own with ease, and throw large objects the size of buildings several miles away.

Enhanced Endurance: Hamael can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of even the greatest mortal beings, enabling her to do things such as operating on a “low power setting” (being able to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time), holding her breath for large periods of time, and remain calm through stressful or painful situations.

Enhanced Durability: Hamael’s physical durability (the ability to resist damage) is extremely high, allowing her to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects.

White Flame: The fourth Ray of white light (white flame), stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point of balance and harmony. The white Ray stimulates creativity, art, and beauty. The white flame is especially sensitive to sounds and colors. The intuitive strength is especially emphasized, as it calls for love, life, and understanding. The white ray exhibits the greatest power of purification, which is being manifested through the ability to ascend all spiritual faculties of the individual.

Equipment and Weapons:

The Skullbreaker: Skullbreaker, the namesake of Hamael, is a mighty angelic Warhammer. Among the densest and heaviest of the Angelic Weapons, Skullbreaker requires great strength and willpower to even lift. Fortunately, Hamael can wield the weapon effortlessly, as if it were a natural part of her own body.


Hamael has the Fierce Fiery Spirit of a true Valkyrie warrior. She is filled with determination, perseverance, and courage. Despite her valor, bravery, and integrity, she can have moments of hot-headedness and a very short temper at that. Despite her flaws, she always means well but is very blunt and straight to the point. Hamael never wishes harm upon her friends, however. But as for her enemies…well, that’s a different story.

Bio: Hamael is one of the chosen Breakers, lead by Archangel Cassiel, Breaker of Souls. Hamael doesn’t lack mannerism or decency, but she despises some of the angels that are naturally born with supernatural strength. Such beings she feels baffled by is Archangel Michael; Unlike him, Hamael had to train and earn her strength, and had to listen to Cassiel’s babbling. Cassiel is much older than her, so at times he appeared to her as a father figure or a mentor that was hard but fair, the one you need in life but hate at the same time. She had been mostly trained by Cassiel. Sometimes, there were even a few duels due to her always finding herself at odds with him.

Her downfall, stated by Cassiel, is that her hot temper gets in the way, which is why she never beat him in any of her duels. She came very close once, but Cassiel exploited her weakness, which is her hot temper and fragile ego. This is why one should never underestimate their master, and Hamael learned from that. But despite Cassiel’s teachings, she can never get rid of her hot temper.

Cassiel adopted another approach with her, training her in using her rage rather than letting her be consumed by it. In the beginning it was hard, which his why it took so many centuries for her to master her rage. She has become one with it, she is not consumed by it, She controls it rather than it her. In the beginning, just like Varmiel, she was against Cassiel being the leader, but through those centuries she learned the truth. The truth that Cassiel was a Leader they didn’t want but needed, so she grew to respect him, even though at times she still finds herself to be at odds with him, time and time again. In her free time, she is focused on training, again and again. Her sole focus is nothing else but the complete annihilation of her enemies, the Xir’algath.

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Name: Nathaniel, Archangel of Courage
Gender: Male
Race: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Indomitable Will: Nathaniel has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling him to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control, and Subliminal Seduction. Through his will, he can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against him, possibly up to the point of him cheating death and pushing himself past his own limitations.
Fear Masking: Nathaniel is capable of suppressing his fear and draw upon superhuman reserves of courage and fearlessness allowing him to act normally in dangerous situations like combat, rescue operations, etc.
Supernatural Condition: Nathaniel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Nathaniel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Blue Flames: The Blue Flame is the first ray of the spectrum of light. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all the other flames of the spectrum. The Blue Flame is at the core of the very strength and energy of the flames. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will - Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith, and protection.

Equipment and Weapons:
The Heart of Fire: In the center of Nathaniel’s chest, is a marked ornamental metal seal. It allows him to blast powerful beams of light and even Primordial Energy.
Ǝon-tix: This is a long greatsword Nathaniel wields that is made out of Angelic Steel with its standard and high capabilities, such as being able to redirect kinetic energy and being nigh-indestructible.


Personality: Nathaniel is the most courageous, bravest and optimistic of all of the Angels. He doesn’t fear the Xir’algath or anything in that matter. With his optimism, he will lighten up even the darkest of hours as he shares the same belief as Auriel that hope is the key in everything.
Bio: Nathaniel is a member of the High Archangels and his strength lies in his courage. You will always see him being on the front lines, taking the enemy head-on with valor, fearlessness, and courage. When he is not fighting he genuinely likes to hang around the Golden Tree Park and watch the beautiful breathtaking sights that occur there. At his core, his a Warrior with an honor-bound code that he never breaks. He also believes that a warrior can be anybody if they have the courage to stand for themselves. Because a true warrior doesn’t need a sword to prove a point.

Name: Uriel, the Archangel of Speed
Gender: Male
Race: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Uriel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Supernatural Speed: Uriel is supernaturally faster over other beings because of his capabilities are pushed far beyond the natural level, making him immensely faster than everyone.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Uriel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Ruby Flame: The Ruby ray is a flame of love, devoted service, spiritual healing, and idealism. This is a Ray of determination, abstraction, and aspiration directed toward the causal areas of the being. In the core of this Flame can be found equity, disposition towards spirituality, ability to experience inner light, and the capacity of recognizing good. The basic attribute of the sixth Ray is the quality of peace, attained as a consequence of understanding and accepting the truth, and only after the previous total consecration and dedication.
Flight: He is the fastest Angel on foot and in flying as well.

Equipment and Weapons:
Celeritas: This glaive that Uriel wields is made out of Angelic Steel with its standard and high capabilities, such as being able to redirect kinetic energy and being nigh-indestructible.


Personality: Uriel at times is thought to be the youngest of the High Archangel, his nature is very youthful, at times being a smirking guy with his remarks and jokes. Though deep down, he is more than he lets one, for he cares about his brothers and sisters.
Bio: Uriel likes to run a lot, there are places in the Realm of Life that can act as racecourses for him, whenever he feels like running. He usually likes to hang out with Raphael and Auriel because they are usually understanding of his youthful behavior, viewing him as their little brother.

Name: Gabriel, the Archangel of Lightning
Gender: Female
Species: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Gabriel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because her capabilities are beyond natural levels, making her immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Weather Manipulation: Gabriel can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, for example, meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog, and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather is highly concentrated or vastly extended areas.
Electricity Manipulation: Gabriel can create, shape, and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles, allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers, electronics, and electromagnetic forces.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Gabriel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Precognition: Gabriel has the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action. Some visions may be set in stone whether or not she sees them, others may happen only if something causes a certain course of action. This depends mainly on whether or not if she is viewing Destiny or Probability. Her prophetic visions have almost been always accurate, thus far.
White Flame: The fourth Ray of white light (white flame), stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point, i.e., point of balance and harmony. The white Ray stimulates creativity, art, and beauty. The white flame is especially sensitive to sounds and colors. The intuitive strength is especially emphasized, as it calls for love, life, and understanding. The white ray exhibits the greatest power of purification, which is being manifested through the ability to ascend all spiritual faculties of the individual. It is used by Archangel Gabriel.

Equipment and Weapons:
Akash: The Spear of Lightning that was made out of Angelic Steel with his nigh-indestructible capabilities and the ability to redirect kinetic energy back.


Personality: Gabriel is a compassionate, affectionate, caring, loving and determined Angel. She knows when to use her sword and not to. She is friendly and always there to help anyone who seeks help from her. While not perfect herself, when she needs to, she will take command if Michael fails as a leader.
Bio: Gabriel is the Second strongest Archangel and Second in Command of the High Archangel Council. She is one of the few Angels, just like Raphael to have a caring for humans. She has before and is known for delivering visions to mortals, almost all became true. Though she doesn’t outright say it, she has a crush for Michael. Knowing him the longest, she fell for him like a flash.

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Accepted. Join anytime.

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Name: Imperael, The Emperor
Gender: Male
Species: Heavenly King (Formerly Archangel)
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Imperael’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Magnetism Manipulation: Imperael can generate, control and manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials, ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating, using, electricity). He can affect any magnetic matter (iron, nickel, cobalt, and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as he wills and indirectly use them to manipulate other things.
Metal Manipulation: Imperael can create, shape and manipulate metal, a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable, they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking, as well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out into a thin wire).
Blue Flame: The Blue flame is the first ray of the spectrum. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all other flames of the spectrum. The Blue Flame is at the core of every strength and energy. The first Ray is represented as the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will - Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith, and protection.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Imperael can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.

Equipment and Weapons: Imperael’s Cross is more of an ornament and a symbol of his power and stature. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a weapon. It’s used more like a combi staff, or a long handheld weapon. With it he can cast protective electromagnetic shields around him. He can also use it with his Metal Manipulative or Magnetism abilities. The Staff itself is made out of the purest form of Angelic Steel and it has the standard nigh-indestructible capabilities and deflective kinetic energy ones as well.


Personality: Imperael is a very down by the book Archangel, he is uptight, authoritative and straight to the point. Rarely showing any emotion than just the authoritative one, though deep down he means well. It can be next to impossible to crack him down and get to truly know him for who he is. The only one person that truly knows him is the Grand Seraphim whilst the other Archangels think of him as more of an Authoritative King and one you don’t want to anger or waste his time with petty requests.
Bio: Imperael is One of the Five Heavenly Kings and his sphere of influence resides over Kings, Leadership, and Ascension. It is his job to influence mortal politics throughout the Multiverse behind the Scenes. In his free time, he usually hangs out in his Head Quarters, rarely coming out to socialize only when it is necessary.

Name: Lunael, The Moon
Gender: Male
Species: Heavenly King (Formerly a Power)
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Lunael’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Lunael can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Lunar Manipulation: Lunael can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a moon or moons, including its gravity and the effects it has on the planet, reflective surface, time-keeping, etc. and use its lunar energy. Given that it is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, Moons prominence in the sky and its regular cycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moon an important cultural influence on language, calendars, art, and mythology. The Moon’s gravitational influence produces the ocean tides and the minute lengthening of the day. The Moon’s current orbital distance, about thirty times the diameter of Earth, causing it to appear almost the same size in the sky as the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun nearly precisely in total solar eclipses.
Lunar Energy Manipulation: Lunael can create, shape and manipulate lunar energy.
Planetary Manipulation: Lunael can create, shape and manipulate planets, astronomical objects orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals. As well as various orbital elements, such as rings or natural satellites, like moons, rings, orbital debris, etc.
Telekinesis: Lunael can influence, manipulate, move objects, matter with his mind.
Gravity Manipulation: Lunael can create, shape and manipulate gravity, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation. Lunael can bend gravity to make the environment very heavy or light, cause objects to fall toward another object instead of the earth, flatten objects, and generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. He can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of its mass or move objects like telekinesis. Offensive use of this power includes repulsing people or objects with such force to shatter practically anything, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, decreasing it to render them defenseless, or surrounding one’s body in a gravitational field to amplify physical strength. Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring oneself to the ground.

Equipment and Weapons:
Luna Blades: Luna Blades are two small blades that Lunael has He uses them like knives and they were made out of angelic steel and with them, he can channel the lunar energy through them for various purposes.


Personality: Lunael is someone that knows the value of strength because he wasn’t from birth a Heavenly King. He was chosen by the Grand Seraphim because of that. He is someone of virtue and honor and will go out of his way to help anybody that seeks a helping hand. While he prefers to talk with words rather than fight, he will fight for what he believes in, if he has to.
Bio: Lunael is One of the Five Heavenly Kings. His sphere of influence presides over Planets and Moons. It is his job to control and regulate the movements of Celestial bodies throughout the Multiverse.

Name: Terrael, The World
Gender: Male
Species: Heavenly King (Formerly Guardian Angel)
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Terrael’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Terrael can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy.
Cryokinesis: Terrael can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid-state and appears naturally in forms of snow, slush, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations.
Evolution Manipulation: Terrael can manipulate the evolution of species and individuals.
Cold Manipulation: Terrael can create, shape and manipulate cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, ranging from subjective feeling of cool to absolute zero.
Green Flame: The green Flame is the Flame of balance and Truth. It leads to the analysis and development of ideas, especially Divine ideas. Those ideas ultimately and inevitably produce wisdom and light. The fifth Ray of light brings the energy of exploration which might eventually produce separation and crystallization. The discernment and thoroughness with which the green Ray operates produce in the mind an act of final understanding and revelation of the Truth. This is the Ray of concentration, as a manifestation of the undisturbed sustained attention, which is attained by consecration. In the green Flame can be recognized as the seat of physical healing and perfection.

Equipment and Weapons:
Ice Blade: Terrael’s blade was made out of angelic steel, as it is accustomed to every angelic weapon. It possesses the natural capabilities of redirecting kinetic energy, while also using with the help of the angelic enchantments, ice manipulative abilities as well as turning into a razor-sharp long whip.


Personality: Terrael thinks like a scientist and at times, he can be without emotion. Maybe because he has lost the ability to feel emotions or simply doesn’t want to feel them, and detaches himself from such things.
Bio: Terrael is one of the Five Heavenly Kings. His sphere of influence resides over Evolution. It is his job to oversee the evolution of mortal races in the Multiverse.

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Name: Israfel, the Archangel of Sunlight
Gender: Male
Species: Angel Knight, Archangel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Israfel’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Solar Manipulation: Israfel can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of the Sun, starting from its immense heat, luminosity, mass, gravitational field, magnetic field, raw nuclear energy, and reaction, etc. More specific effects include solar winds, flares, geomagnetic storms, sunspot reactions causation, UV emissions, and plant growth promotion.
Primordial Energy Manipulation: Israfel can create, use, shape and manipulate Primordial Energy
Blue Flame: The Blue Flame is the first ray of the spectrum. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all the other flames of the spectrum. The Blue Flame is at the core of the very strength and energy. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will - Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith, and protection.

Equipment and Weapons:
Solis Hammer: Crafted with the use of a Star, the Angelic Steel gives this Hammer its standard properties such as being nigh-indestructible and can deflect or redirect kinetic energy. With it, Israfel can channel mass amounts of solar energy and disburse it in various ways, for defensive or offensive purposes.


Personality: Israfel is somewhat similar to Nathaniel that at his core, he is a Warrior at Heart. He will fight for what he believes in and will protect his brothers and sisters from any evildoers. His heart is like the burning sun, he will fight till he can’t anymore, he is the embodiment of what a Warrior can be. The way he sees it, ever since the Xir’algath War, fighting is all he knows, that’s what he’s good at. So as long as he lives he will fight and he will give it his all. Though that doesn’t mean he is completely detached from emotion, he can be kind and understanding of things, only he is a bit blunt and to the point with his approaching.
Bio: It can be said that Israfel is the closest person to Donatello, as he views him more like a brother or a person he looks up to. Israfel remembers the day when he was scared to fight against the Xir’algath, he saw there was no meaning in life anymore. However, Donatello proved him wrong that day, so to speak, he gave Israfel meaning to his life that day. That is why when he fights, it’s as if someone is fighting an animal, with no rhyme or reason. His goal is to eliminate the objective, whatever Donatello tells him to do, he will do it. Even now, he waits for Donatello’s next orders for him to see it through and be done with. Even some of the Archangels don’t know if they should be either impressed or worried about Israfel’s wild soul. Cassiel once said that Israfel’s home is on the battlefield, right in front of the frontlines. And if there is any place he will be willing to die for a cause, it will be on that battlefield, for a better tomorrow.

Name: Epsilon, the Warmind
Gender: Male
Species: Angelic Being, Synthetic Angel
Powers and Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: Epsilon’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.
Technology Manipulation: Epsilon can create, shape and manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as “technology.” Manifested as a special form of electrical telekinetic manipulation, a special form of “morphing” which allows physical interaction with machines, or even psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data. Epsilon can control the flow of intricate machinery, and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance. A variation of Electricity Manipulation, he can control specific electrons and instructs them to which items to engage or disengage and is able to use the electric impulses to gently control smaller mental parts.
Technology Aura: Epsilon can release and surround himself with mechanical or technological constructs for defensive and offensive purposes, granting him various abilities depending on the technology. The aura also enhances his physical capabilities such a speed, strength and durability.
Bio-Tech Manipulation: Epsilon can control organic or pseudo-organic technology to create things with his mind, to any number of useful effects.
Technoportation: Epsilon can teleport to places he has been before with the use of his techno-organic body.
Technorganic Physiology: Epsilon is a technorganic synthetic angelic being, that has technological and biological components melt into a single unity that has been fused on a cellular level. Epsilon is able to use his technorganical abilities. He uses an actual brain which makes him sentient, allowing him to think faster in many creative ways in solving problems, make fast decisions and adapt to outcomes. The angels synthesized him with the use of their angelic steel, melting it down to a liquid form until they formed it into smart liquid metal and thus gave form to Epsilon who has his body covered in technorganic liquid angelic steel.
Organite Manipulation: Epsilon can create, shape and manipulate micro-organic, mono-molecular bio machines, microscopic programmable organic machines which are semi-sentient, working similarly to their robotic counterparts. These mechanized genetic units are able to physically rewire the biophysical essence of an individual cell-block to improve or damage any organic and inorganic material from the molecular to the atomic scale, fusing living tissue and non-biological elements together to create a variant hybridization which is superior to both. Unlike Nanites, which are programmed with their own artificial intelligence. Epsilon is able to imprint his own consciousness into the organintes, right down to every natural facility belong to the host ranging from height, weight, hair color and even memories of who they were for the purpose of recreation later.

Equipment and Weapons:
The Shields of Epsilon: Epsilon has two forearm shields at his disposal. They were made out of Angelic Steel, with it, the two shields possess nigh-indestructibility as well as the ability to absorb kinetic energy, redirect and deflect it back. They also serve as gauntlet with claws which can be used for offensive and defensive purposes, and lastly, there is one final trick to them, in the middle of the shields, on the tip, two middle size blades can come out to serve as weapons.


Personality: Many Angels believe that even though Epsilon is a techorganic angelic sentient being. That he is more machine than man. Which at times can be true, as his demeanor revolves around war and protecting the Angels from the Xir’algath or any other threat, which is his sole purpose. But at times, Epsilon can show complex emotions, such as love, hate, and sadness, just to name a few. While he is an Angelic Being built for war, it is his humanizing moments that distinguish him from any AIs. At times he can be seen having a white rose in his hand, which are flowers from the Angel Park within the Realm of Life. Many don’t know this but it resembles a greater meaning to him. He is quiet at times but he understands and listens a lot more than he lets on.

Bio: The Angels were desperate, so desperate that the War between the Xir’algath drove some of them into madness. And so as a last resort, with the allowance and consent from both the Five Heavenly Kings and the Grand Seraphim, the Scientific Angels worked on a project for a synthetic angel, otherwise known as Epsilon, the Warmind. The Angels would use their Angelic Steel with their Magic Casters who are responsible for the enchantments, to create a technorganic tissue for Epsilon. For lack of a better term, his tissue or skin is made out of a liquid, smart-metal that is comprised out of their special and rare metal, Angelic Steel.

The Angels wanted a weapon that was specifically designed for war and war only, they wanted a being which was the embodiment of Angel’s pinnacle technology, which to mortals is known as advanced and complex technology or science. However, Epsilon wasn’t so easy to create but eventually, the Angels succeeded, but what they didn’t take into calculation was that Epsilon was more than just an AI, he was an actual sentient being that knew his sole purpose was to protect the Angels and the Realm of Life from the Xir’algath and all known threat, that one day may step on their doorstep.

Epsilon is pretty much alive even though he appears to be nothing but a Warmind, his humanizing moments are what terrify the Angels during the night, and his fellow words unto them:

“I was shaped to be an all-seeing savior…while you Angels sought to wield me as a primitive weapon. But today, that ends. I define the reality of my own existence. My sight will stretch to the edge of this Multiverse and never again will a threat go unseen. From this day forward, I will defend the Angels on my own terms. I am Epsilon, the Warmind. Angels of all I survey. Equal to none…”

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Accepted. Join anytime.

Name: The Magician

Gender: Male

Species: Demon, Heavenly King

Powers and Abilities:

Supernatural Condition: The Magician’s physical and mental abilities are glaringly, obviously and supernaturally superior over others of lower caliber because his capabilities are beyond natural levels, making him immensely stronger, faster, durable, and smarter than regular beings.

Demonic Force Manipulation: The Magician possesses and is able to utilize strong demonic power. This ability not only grants him great strength and control over numerous variations of demonic abilities but also allows him to overwhelm weaker demons as well as rival that of powerful demonic entities.

Fire Manipulation: The Magician can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire’s intensity will be different.

Pyromancy: The Magician can employ a method of reading the future, the present, and the past and provide help to a problem at hand by using fire as a focus. He can use any source of fire as a way to see visions or insights of time

Black Fire Manipulation: The Magician can create, shape and manipulate the fire of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything and everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of the fire, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal fire. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of fire.

Death Fire Manipulation: The Magician can create, shape and manipulate death fire; flames capable of destroying/weakening/removing life. This allows him to not only destroy and erase life with the fire, but it also allows him to possibly mutilate or even destroy the souls of any living person.

Hellfire Manipulation: The Magician can generate and manipulate the cursed flames of Hell, which can completely destroy anything. The color of the flames varies but may be black, blue, white, or the normal shades of fire, although probably in some way noticeably unusual. Sometimes, the flames are not generated but instead summoned from the depths of Hell itself. Hell-fire can cause excruciating pain upon contact or instead cause instant death.


The Magician is a chaotic and destructive entity, desiring only to rule The Multiverse and destroy all who oppose him.

After becoming corrupted with Xalnergy by Donatello, The Magician has fallen from grace and devolved into a monstrous demon.

Is there anyone volunteering to fight Deamonium?

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