Arcana: the downfall

Edward continued forward.

“Alright. We need something to do to make sure this trip doesn’t bore us all to death. Anybody got an idea?”

Frostvin held up his sketchbook. “I’m taken care of.” He looked at Beta. " could I draw Beta? " he asked Edward.

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“Go ahead. I don’t mind.”

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Frostvin smiles briefly, then sat down crosslegged. “Beta, could you come over here for a moment?”

The round robot looked at him and scuttled his way. All with a cheery demeanor.

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“I’m gonna draw you.”
Frostvin began sketching. He drew a large circle, then added the details. After Beta was finished, Frostvin added the holographic display and some confetti.
He showed the small robot. “What do you think?”

Beta beeped happily, clearly liking it. A tiny white flash and a click sound came from is optic lenz, indicating he took a picture of the drawing.

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Frostvin grinned.

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“So what’s your deal? Where were you before all this?”
Edward asked. Though less out of genuine interest and more just trying to pass the time.

Frostvin shrugged. “Studying magic in Winterfall. I’m still a young mage, although I do have strong powers. I knew about the decline of magic. I wanted to do something to stop it, and then I got called here. You?”

Lihem continued walking along, listening to their conversations.

“Not much to say. I was in my lab one day as I usually am, working on a new robot, when I suddenly got the devine call from that shiny arse in the sky. Granted this isn’t the first time the royal pain has gotten after me about one thing or another. But I decided to actually listen this time, hoping he’d shut up about it.”

“I was working on improving myself in Winterfall. I was always trying to heighten my magical power beyond that of what most humans can do. And I think I did, albeit at a bit of a cost.” Isadau responds.

Saras shrugs. “Wandering.”

“A cost? What kind of cost exactly?”
Edward asked.

“My magic is often more powerful than my body can handle.” He unwraps his right forearm, showing the scars and frostbite his power has left. “That’s why I carry this staff. If I channel my magic through it, I don’t get hurt nearly as much, and don’t lose too much of the magic’s potency in doing so.”

“Fascinating. The very idea of the human body channeling more power than it can physically handle is remarkable.”

As he spoke, two robotic appendages quickly scribbled down notes in a notepad.

Frostvin looks worried. “That- that’s not gonna happen to me, is it?”

“Doubtful, seeing as you’re made of magic.”

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Frostvin looked at his hand, which had cracks of pale blue light flickering through the gray skin. “Okay.”

“I imagine not. Your body is more magically tuned than that of a human.” Isadau responds. “So if it did happen, you’d need to be in possession of an extraordinary amount of power.”

Saras takes out the Hook of Azarana as they walked, inspecting it. “Maybe I should learn how to actually use this if I’m going to be carrying it around.” He mutters to himself.