Arcana: the downfall

Tortwig rolled to the side and popped up. She tried to gently yet firmly move the Kitmaj out of the way.

The kitmaj held her ground, mouthing an apology, before being hit by the whip and shocked, “I’ll hit one if you regardless,” he warns, “chose wisely whom.”

Beta ran and jumped to take the hit of the whip before the child could be hurt.

“I see your choice here,” he muttered as it hit

Tortwig growled.
Duo and Quadro approached the man from behind.
Quadro tried to lift the man and topple him.
Duo flipped out a small saw and tried to cut off the whip.

He retracted the whip and turn, jabbing the blade towards Quadro’s chest

Quadro shifted to the side, and Tortwig jumped and kicked at the man over the kitmaj.

047 moved to block the hit as the man reopened the ship and swung at tortwig

The kick was too high for 047 to block. Tortwig tried to catch the whip with her glaive by twisting the glaive around the whip.

Beta again jumped in front of the kitmaj to take the hit for her.

The whip would send electricity through the glaive

Tortwig yelled in pain and dropped the glaive. She winced and pulled out a flask of liquid.

The man then swung the glaive, still entangled in the whip, at Quadro’s chest

Quadro took the hit, leaving a dent in his armor. He raised his arms and began firing little metal pellets.

He took a few hits and growled as he staggered back

Tortwig tried to spill the contents of the flask on the whip and man.
Ooc: it’s water

While the man was distracted, Beta desperately tried to pull away the kitmaj child.

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Duo tried to help

She was successful, though in response he just looked at her confused

The electricity from the whip would travel through the water, electrocuting him as long as he held the whip.