Arcana: the downfall

“that’s Acuvium, where they relax and rest in the day.”

Tortwig nodded. “I’ve heard of a crazy guy who lives with a bunch of robots in the middle of nowhere, powered only by electricity. He sounds like you.”
Tortwig though for a moment, then added, “I always wanted to talk to him, you know. See what another person with another opinion has to say.”
She went on. “I use magic for Duo and Quadro, but I don’t do a while lot of robotics. Usually I experiment with chemicals and metals, seeing if I can make metal stronger, or give it some weird effect.”

“Does the ceiling look different in the day?”

“The reason I’m so devoted to perfecting on magic technology is that I’m afraid the world is too dependant on it. If it ever goes away or goes bad, the world just isn’t prepared for that. I want to slowly phase it out you know? So that if its ever gone, people will be able to continue without it.”

“yeah, in the day you can see the Tycharium, its where the Talas rest.”

“Has anyone ever tried to touch the ceiling?”

“no one but the imortals are tall enough”

“What if someone built a machine that could take them there?”

“there are better uses of the materials”

“But no one has ever even tried? Why not?”

“it’s just beyond our capability.”

“That doesn’t mean no one should try. Who knows what we could discover if we went up there?”

“sure we could, but there are better things to do with the effort, like helping those in need, exploring our world, and so on.”

OOC: What’s the view like from the mountain? Can we see the ocean?

OOC: mostly mountains, but you can see the ocean

“What’s that big blue thing over there?”
She asked, pointing to the ocean.

“water, lots and lots of water”

“I’ve never seen water that big. Could we go there?”

“maybe after we’ve saved the world.”

“Why won’t you tell me what you’re saving it from again?”

“we don’t need you worrying.”