Arcana: the downfall

“I’m big. I can handle it.”
Melissa tried to come off as serious and mature, but frankly it looked adorable.

Oliver couldn’t help but smile

“So what did you do before you came here?”
Melissa asked. She’d find out what they were doing. But it would have to be later.

“before the quest, or before getting to the mountain?”

“Tell me what you did before the quest. Mister Edward will tell me about what you did before here.”

He nods, “I…” He began before trailing off

“You what?”

“it’s difficult to say.”

“What do you mean?”

“you know how when you’re misbehaving you get punished?”

“Yeah. I know.”

“think that, non-stop for ten years, except for something I didn’t do.”

“What did they think you did wrong?”

“they wanted me to tell them something I didn’t know.”

“What did they want to know?”

“what happened to Nordum.”

“And does that have anything to do with why the world needs saving?”

“Thank you.” Saras says after a long silence.

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“ten years ago for unkown reasons Nordum cut itself off from the world,” He explained.

Tortwig nodded. “Yes, I do see that in the world. Electricity, it’s just like magic, but easier to harness… Easier to make. I use magic because of it’s strength and power, but who knows? I might switch to electricity one day.”