Are Loki and Heimdall going to die in Thor: Ragnarok?

Hey there!
I recently read about Ragnarok. The Ragnarok is the end of the world in northern’s mythology. In the Ragnarok day. Heimdall is going to kill Loki. He succeeded his mission, but die too. There are some theories about the fact that Heimdall have the Soul Stone, and there are some images when Heimdall have no armor, and his eyes are white. You know Heimdall’s eyes are orange, like the Soul Stone, this would mean that he had his powers because of the stone. This may mean that Loki heard about the Soul Stone and took it.
So what do you thing? Heimdall will kill Loki? He will die too?


Shouldn’t this be in the topic for the movie?


It may be…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Thor Ragnarok

Since this would fit better in the Thor Ragnarok topic, I’ve moved the 1st post there.

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