ATTENTION: Board Updates Incoming

So the current game topic will get shut down yes, but you will absolutely be allowed to start a continuation topic. Like I said, it helps keep things for new players up to date and easier to jump into. Sign up topics will remain the same : )


So let me know if I’m reading this right. When you make an rp topic, there is a time limit. When that time limit runs out, you need to have a “this is what’s happened so far” plot synopsis at the beginning of the continuation topic, and things can continue as normal. Is there anything I’m missing?


Nope, that about sums it up!


Will the extremely long rps (like howling dark)be deleted?

Thank you. This will be easy to adapt to.


Deleted no, I know how tempting it can be to go back and reread awesome moments, but the topics will be closed and continued in a new one!


Seems fine to me.

Alright, as long as it isn’t deleted it sounds pretty ok


I feel like this change is both far too simplistic and a bit too much. Yes, we don’t need our 10k RPs that stretch as far as the horizon, and this gives a chance for the RPs that don’t get all the fame and attention to actually grow and exist for more than five minutes.

However, this promise to revamp the RP format with so little detail given seems like a bad choice to make. Most RPs that do any good do, for the most part, use that kind of illustration before they begin. But I feel like that’s not enough to bring things to a reasonable level, and while going full BZP-Era RP judging system for new RPs which we get once in a blue moon is a horrible idea, there does need to be something extra.

The only RP I’ve ever made on here - my first and hopefully not my last - was Frontier - An Okoto Space Roleplay. I made sure to specify in the RP topic itself quite a large amount of info about the game, the rules (which were as far as I can tell widely unheard of in the RPs at the time) and etc. which didn’t exactly encourage a lot of people to play. After it crashed, burned, and the funeral service closed, RPs started popping up accepting this sort of format for rules in an RP’s system, although most times not explicitly stated. The most noteworthy occurrence of this is Okotan Adventures.

Now I’m not saying that my RP brought on this drastic change, it could easily be a coincidence of events beyond my scope of vision. But regardless, the main type of RP we get, no matter the context, is ‘don’t kill other players okay go berserk’. If you really intend to change the RP format, that’s the number one thing that should occur- any and all RPs must follow a basic, simple set of rules and must state so. They can add more if they want, but these fundamental ones should always remain.

As for the amount of time an RP can take, it should be determined by the activity in an RP. If it’s almost none or an insane amount, it should be either controlled or cut off. With RP topics still capable of restarting where they leave off, that doesn’t bother me much at all what happens.

Now that I’ve stated my opinion on that, I must ask what the changes are to the Literary subcategory and what aspects are being overhauled.


Still quite sad about that RP dying, it was fun while it lasted.

It’s not dead yet. You’ve still got some time until the new rules are actually implemented


Generally most RPs do that but good rule to enforce.[quote=“Kini_Hawkeye, post:11, topic:44000”]
I’ll be starting my own game that can be used as a basic template for what’s expected going forward, but all that will be is a way to get a general idea, you can go as insane or basic as you like with that.

Can we start a hype train on this

Understandable change. Keeps them from being over convoluted which is good.

Honestly, this is probaby the best change to come out of this.[quote=“Kini_Hawkeye, post:11, topic:44000”]
let new players join without feeling intimidated.

Another good change because tbh the RPs section could use new people to freshen the mood.

Overall I welcome these new rules as they greatly benefit all the RPs On here. Also helps dying RPs in a way as they now have a chance to have a new continuation topic after this.


Okay, since i’m still getting the hang of this forum setup, forgive my terrible formatting for this reply.

I feel like this change is both far too simplistic and a bit too much. Yes, we don’t need our 10k RPs that stretch as far as the horizon, and this gives a chance for the RPs that don’t get all the fame and attention to actually grow and exist for more than five minutes.
However, this promise to revamp the RP format with so little detail given seems like a bad choice to make. Most RPs that do any good do, for the most part, use that kind of illustration before they begin. But I feel like that’s not enough to bring things to a reasonable level, and while going full BZP-Era RP judging system for new RPs which we get once in a blue moon is a horrible idea, there does need to be something extra.

Okay. I actually agree with this, however this topic is less to detail exactly what is happening and more to warn you all that it will be occurring, as well as get your thoughts on what could change. Believe me there is way more thought put into this than first appears from reading this topic, and these systems will be changed as necessary. If something’s not working or is unnecessary, it can and will be changed.

Now I’m not saying that my RP brought on this drastic change, it could easily be a coincidence of events beyond my scope of vision. But regardless, the main type of RP we get, no matter the context, is ‘don’t kill other players okay go berserk’. If you really intend to change the RP format, that’s the number one thing that should occur- any and all RPs must follow a basic, simple set of rules and must state so. They can add more if they want, but these fundamental ones should always remain.

You are a little ahead of yourself because that’s the plan : P

As for the amount of time an RP can take, it should be determined by the activity in an RP. If it’s almost none or an insane amount, it should be either controlled or cut off. With RP topics still capable of restarting where they leave off, that doesn’t bother me much at all what happens.

You are again, ahead of yourself as that is the plan. There will be rules implemented to close dead RPGs, and these rules will absolutely be tied to the activity of the RP. I’m not leaving an RPG that gets one post a week open for three months.

And yes. I am basing a lot of this around BZPs rules, which were implemented during a period where their forums looked quite a bit like ours. Are we going quite as far? No, not at all. Will we be stealing the odd idea and cleaning things up? Absolutely.

Most of you have nothing to worry about. There will be no judging, no “only 3 RPs at a time.” However, if you start a game and no one plays it? Then it will be closed.

The majority of the detail about these changes will be disclosed once we have a final decision on the timelines we’re going to start testing with, at which point the forums will get individual “catch-all” rulesets that add onto the main board forums. I know it’s going to be odd to start out, but bear with us and things will make sense : )

As far as your question about the lit forum, the current concept is to simply enforce a simple tagging system to make navigation a little simpler, as well as enforcing “Multi-part Stories go in a single topic” rules. We’re still working out how exactly to go about this, because I’m not interested in forcing people to put a million tags on their stories. Again, these systems, being overhauls, are subject to change if something’s not working. It’s entirely possible that the best version of the lit board is the one we have right now.


I have a quick question,

Will this be changing at all?


I was just about to ask that

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No, this rule will not be changing. I believe in it, you believe in it, I see no reason to ruin any of our fun. I’m a TBRPG vet and I’m trying to do as much as I can to help the subforum. That would just hurt it : )


You know what this calls for…

TOTAL ANARCHY (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Will we be able to format our writing properly in the literature topic? Eg tabbing etc

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Will these updates end up coming every six months from now?


I’m looking into it but I’m not entirely sure if it’s a limitation of Discourse or not. I’ve been talking with Var about what exactly we can and cannot do in regards to that kind of stuff.

You know me so well ;D