Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra Discussion Topic

Huh. We might wanna put that in a “Guidelines” post somewhere for newer members.

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@WajKnight, (Book 3 spoilers ahead)

Honestly, I felt the Lin Beifong portions of book 3 were pretty over-hyped.

Then again, the whole Airbenders subplot was underused IMO. Like, freaking AIRBENDING came back! That’s major fanfic materiel right there! And there were barely any episodes about it!

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Probably a good idea. I’ll see what I can do :smile:

@legomaster1378, (Book 4 spoilers ahead :open_mouth:)

I think you’re right about the backstory hype. It didn’t amount to a whole lot, though I am curious to see what role Toph will play in Book 4. Maybe the flashback scenes have some hidden clues, idk.

We’ll probably see much more of the Airbenders in Book 4 (freaking squirrel suits!). Maybe this was all part of the creators’ plan… hmm…


Little bit out of context, but I made this and thought you might be interested…


##Book 4 Chapter 2 just aired! Thoughts? Opinions? Gripes? :smiley:

Remember to use the [spoiler][/tags]

Team Kuvira!

I had a conversation with Eljay about this earlier today, but Kuvira is shaping up to be the exact kind of person I would be like if I was in the Avatar world. Her speech about how “technology and innovation” should be what drives a country forward" really won me over. And then she calls herself the new ruler of the “Earth Empire”? Fantastic. She is firmly in the Empire Business.

Of course, she is still mostly a dictator, but she’s definitely a benevolent one. I love how grey they’re making this, too; Kuvira is technically being built up like the villain, but the Republic isn’t blameless either. Prince Wu is a terrible leader who would only care about himself. Even the President told Mako that they were sending “expert advisors” to handle the day to day of the Earth Kingdom. So really, the Republic was planning on taking advantage of and manipulating the Prince so that they could have power. Kuvira is just being more direct, plus, she actually cares about her people. She’s honestly the best choice to rule this kingdom.

I’m interested in seeing how the writers play this out. I’m glad that Toph was around to tell Korra to stop whining about everything, and having her back has been great. I hope they play this grey situation out and legitimately consider all the flaws in the Republic instead of automatically pitting Korra against Kuvira. But I’m definitely on her side with this.


This last season is neat.

With all the concentration camps and nukes made of trees you could call Kuvira and her men “eco fascists.”


Well, that most recent episode was a bummer. They were going for another “Ember Island Players,” but they ended up with something closer to “Shades of Gray,” ("Star Trek: The Next Generation" Shades of Gray (TV Episode 1989) - IMDb) because they re-used old clips, instead of giving us a new version of events from a different perspective. Now, to be fair, they did do a good job with that last segment with Bolin and Varrick–I think that should have taken up the whole episode. That would’ve been awesome.


The thing with the last episode was to cut down its costs to have more resources to be spent on the other episodes. But yes, it was weak even for a recap episode.


I thought they were going to go into Varrick’s past on this last episode, but sadly no.

The two-part finale of Korra

(and a reaction video to episode 11)

Now that I have that nescessity out of the way, let’s talk about the first part of the finale. And how much Kuvira resembles Hitler: thing for impractical, massive weapons, psycopathic nature, has many (self-conflicting) reasons for war and of course, the greed for world domination.

Apparently that titan was also waterproof. And it doesn’t run on electricity. Pretty smart, if I may say so. I had similar ideas to topple the giant than what team Avatar had, except that EMP. I’m just not smart enough. Also, could they just break it by pouring water in the joints and freezing it, cousing them to expand and possibly break? I guess the mecha had too strong stucture for that to work…

Never did I expect to say this: I actually enjoyed prince Wu this episode. Sure, his singing was annoying, but it was pretty fun to see the mechasuit nazis tell him to stop. Other than the singing, he was doing only smart things in the episode. I still don’t like him overall, but this episode made him bearable.

Oh man, do I love Varrick nad Zhu-Li. That was played out just perfect. The dialogue right after the proposal was the funniest in the series! After all the horrible romance in the previous seasons, I was really happy to see Varrick and Zhu-Li’s been written well. I have never even liked implications of romance in cartoons, but this was the first one I genuinely enjoyed.

Wasn’t Hiroshi Sato’s death kind of pointless? I mean, the platinum was almost completely cut, it could have just been forced open. Oh well, at least he died as a hero.

And finally, the last episode of Korra: nuclear submarine reactor fight scene like in that one Bond film, more Evangelion action, a wedding, Wu being alright for the second time and in my opinion a satisfying ending to the series. That EvAbridged clip came to be more relevant with that shielding from the spirit cannon being kinda like an EVA and their A.T. field eroding the A.T. field of an angel. I was expecting this to happen, but I thought it would have been done while the cannon was still attached to the operational mecha. And did I mention the animation? Smooth bending duels all over this episode as if it were a ballet. (Not the best comparison, but alas. It looked fluent.)

I mentioned earlier that I don’t like romance in cartoons. What I do enjoy is depiction of friendship, and the last few scenes didn’t lack this. Mako and Korra’s respect towards Wu was heartwarming as well as their exchange of words with each other. I didn’t think it was anything romantic, they have had that thing settled long ago. The chemistry between Tenzin and Korra was as enjoyable as always, and I totally understand how Asami and Korra could go on a vacation together, as they were best friends. And walk through the spirit portal while holding hands, as friends.

They also looked into each other’s eyes while entering the Spirit world. That’s not what friends do, at least not without awkward laughter… I can live with this.

Overall the two-parter was really satisfactory. I really feel sorry for the book two finale to be the epic mess it was, and in terms of scale it would have been a better series finale. But if I block most of book two out of my memory, the book four had a really good ending to the whole series with only a few nitpicks to frown over. What did you guys think? Was the giant mecha a bit underwhelming? Did everyone shine on the last episodes? Do the thing!


Korrasami is canon, I can not be happier.

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These series are fantastic! LOK admittedly had a rough beginning and Book 2 was kinda bad, but Books 3 and 4 were great. Also, Korrasami is Canon!
Of course, The Last Airbender is pretty much objectively the better show, with just so much to love about it that I don’t know where to begin.

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I love Avatar but I still haven’t watched Kora


I recommend. It is better and worse in many ways.

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you should

despite its flaws, its a great series.

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The first two seasons of LOK are… not that great, but the last two are fantastic. I highly reccomend it!

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If you think of the first book on its own it’s not that bad, just way too condensed. The second season introduced new, interesting characters but otherwise it was a complete mess. The last two books felt cohesive and had smaller flaws.

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I just came up with the ultimate description for LOK Book 2:

It’s the story of a man who gets a kite stuck in a tree, and another man who tries to untangle that kite. It’s about Korra trying to stop that second guy from getting the kite out of the tree, because she wants to fly her own kite.
You are rooting for her.


Does anyone know if there are plans for a Korra comic book series?