Avengers: Age Of Ultron Hype Thread/Discussions Topic (Please spoiler tag any spoilers)

I doubt that’s going to be his first introduction.

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That’s probably the point though. Ultron is a jarring character. He’s not supposed to just linger and wait for the Avengers to discover him, he’s gonna make his presence known.

@Chro I think that it is his reveal to the avengers. They looked pretty surprised.


I would guess that he’d appeared before and their shocked looks are over the fact that he survived what would presumably be an attempt to destroy him, considering how he’s all in shambles.

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He’s one of Tony’s robots though. Tony probably threw him out because he wasn’t good enough or something, and Ultron was like “Oh heck naw. I’m coming back!” Also, he can transfer his AI to any robot, so he could have picked a Stark reject that wasn’t his own body. I seriously think that this is the first reveal, everything kinda points to it.

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@BioRaiders532 Now wouldn’t that be interesting? A bunch of Ultron pawns just standing around as a single AI travels from one to the other. It’d be like a giant game of chess! “Bash a building here, jump to that guy so I can trap those civilians. Wait, go back to smack Iron Man out of the way, switch to that one to fry the lines. Drat, Thor’s getting the beat down on my guys over there! Better switch!”

On another note, has anyone here read the Age of Ultron comic storyline?

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I have read it, but I can’t remember all the details. I need to find it in my library again.

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Ultron definitely had a “broken and dejected robot” vibe in that first scene. Also, how do we know he’s able to transfer his consciousness?

What if it’s Tony’s robot that’s an arm?


Okay, we don’t know that, but it’s in the comics and the movies have been pretty true to the comics on their villains. I think that with something as big as Ultron in the Marvel Universe would retain the same powers as the comic book.

@Kahi I’m afraid I don’t understand the jargon? If you mean Ultron could have just transferred himself to one of Tony’s robots, I said before that it’s totally feasible.

It could be that Ultron didn’t want Stark to know which AI it was that went insane and so he tranferred his own into a degenerate.

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I think it was a joke about how Tony basically centered all his abuse on that one arm, which would be a hilarious origin for Ultron.


As much as I’d love to see that happen, I feel it is unlikely, especially since the movie seems to have more of a serious feel.


well I’m not sure it needed to be flagged, kind of not cool…

yeah I don’t know why :frowning:

It was said an Avenger will die in this movie.




I’m pretty sure that’s Thor by the broken shield

Yeah, above the broken shield is Thor’s hand

Chances are that it’ll be Black Widow or Hawkeye… though I could easily see them killing off the side characters such as Jane Foster.

Pretty certain that Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and Hulk are all signed on for future roles so they’ll be pretty safe.

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Calling it now: someone dies and then comes back to life, because plot BS


That’s most likely to be saved for Infinity War, part of the story its based on actually has a bunch of the heroes being killed off and resurrected. Not sure how AoU will handle it though

Like Agent Coulson. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Coulson made me mad, I like the character, but they shouldn’t have retconned his death.