Avengers: Word War Ep.3

That night the Assemble Room was full of superheroes. Vision and Thor were talking in the opposite corner. Banner was on a sofa with Peter. Spider-Man was wearing only his suit, without the mask. Bruce still had little rocks in his hair. Black Panther was next to the window, looking at New York. Rodney was in his wheel chair, next to me. I couldn’t look directly at him. I promised him that after I make the portal I will find a solution for his legs.
Iron Man: Gentlemen! You probably know why you are here!
Black Panther: No, we don’t.
Iron Man: Well, let me tell you. I made a mistake. I wanted to make a portal for NASA, but instead I opened a door to hell. We make some interdimensional breaches to another world, where instead of Avengers, there is the Justice League. Well, we brought here some of them. Twenty-one more exactly. They think we want to kill them. And we don’t want this. We need to send them back to their world, without destroying ours. The only problem is that we are only 6, and they are 21.
Vision: Why aren’t we ask Captain’s Avengers?
Iron Man: I don’t trust him anymore.
Rodney: Well you trusted me and Vision. We are in his team.
Iron Man: You are my best friend, and Vision is practically JARVIS, so of course I trust you.
Bruce Banner: Then what is your idea?
Iron Man: Simple! New York is also called “The City of Heroes”, and not only because here are the 2 teams of Avengers. On the streets of New York there are a lot of non-avenger heroes. All of us meet at least one of them! We need to find them and bring them on our side!
Rodney: This is…
Vision (interrupting him): A very good idea!
Iron Man: I am happy you are with me, Vision. What are the others think?
Bruce Banner: Seems OK.
Spider-Man: I know a guy.
Thor: Me too!
Black Panther: I like it.
Iron Man: Rodney?
Rodney (thinking): OK.
Iron Man: So this is the plan! Go and find non-avengers to join us! And please, I don’t want Captain to know about this.
The Avengers went to the door. All, without Thor and Rodney, who went to Tony.
Thor: Tony, this is actually a pretty good plan.
Iron Man: Thank you!
Thor: I know only a guy, here on Earth. I will go in Asgard to read the Ancient Scrolls about the Tessaract. There I can tell about this to some friends who will come here.
Iron Man: Thank you.
Thor went to the door.
Rodney: I still think we need Cap.
Iron Man: I don’t.

In a boxing gym, a blond man was punching a boxing bag. He was Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. He didn’t knew that somebody was in his back.
Unknown person: Hello there, Captain.
Steve Rogers (turning back): What? Who are you?
It was Batman, but he wasn’t alone. Next to him there was a person with a blue and red suit, with a long red cape.
Batman: I am Batman. Your friend, Tony Stark, is in war with us.
Steve: Oh… So what? We don’t talk anymore. Who is your friend?
Superman: I am Superman.
Steve smiled.
Steve: Hah! Really? What a name! Really know guys, what do you want?
Superman: We have your friends.
Steve’s smile disappeared.
Steve: What?
Batman: The Widow, the Falcon, Captain Marvel, the witch.
Steve started to look angry.
Steve: What do you want from me?
Batman: We want you to capture Iron Man.

Thor entered in a rusty house. It seems to be left by the owners 20 years, but it was full of magic items. Then he saw a familiar face.
Thor: Strange!
Doctor Strange (laughing): Almighty Thor! What bring you here?
Thor: Strange, we have a problem, a big one, and we need your help.
Strange: When you say “we” you are referring at the Avengers?
Thor: Yes.
Strange: I will help you.
Thor: Good! Here is what I want you to do:

Bruce Banner was walking throw an S.H.I.E.L.D. building. He was searching for an agent who would help him. Then he found him. Agent Eugene Thompson. He was an old veteran who lost his legs. He was fused with an symbiot, now being as dangerous as the old Venom. But now he was a good guy. The only one who don’t accept this too well is Spider-Man.
Banner: Agent Eugene Thompson?
Agent Venom: Yes? Who is asking?
Banner: I am Bruce Banner. You also can know me as the Hulk.
Venom: True. What do you want?
Banner: How about you, being an Avenger?
Venom: Hm…

From a shop exit a regular guy. He went to his motorcycle when he saw a lot of children next to it. Next to them there was a red guy with a yellow cape, asking at questions about him.
Vision (seeing the guy): Children, enough for today.
The children ran or went to other places.
The guy: I see that the children likes you!
Vision: What can I say, the robots are cool! You are Johnny Blaze? The Ghost Rider, right?
Blaze: Yes.
Vision: The Avengers need your help, sir!
Blaze: I would join you… but my boss don’t allow me.
Vision: The Devil?
Blaze: Yes, he have his own list of bad guys. He don’t need yours yet.
Vision: What if I tell you that you won’t fight with good guys, but with bad guys? And you control the fire so… you could use the Ghost Rider power to help us.
Blaze (thinking): All right. When can we start?

Tony was walking to a bar. H knew he can find Logan there. As always, he was drinking something. He went next to him.
Logan: What?
Iron Man: We need your help.
Logan: Let me guess. You failed again.
Iron Man: Yes and…
Logan: I am not done yet. You failed again, you did something horrible. You need more Avengers because you are to idiot to ask Captain America.
Iron Man: I don’t trust him.
Logan: Yeah… sure!
Tony shut up. Logan saw this.
Logan: Listen, if you want to have the Wolverine by your side, you need to tell me why should I do this.
Iron Man: Because you can’t stay here like a drunk all your life. You need to do something. Something heroic! You are a hero, Logan! And you know this.
Logan took his eyes.
Logan: You convince me when you make me drunk. Nobody make me drunk.

Spider-Man entered in a warehouse. There he saw five guys with a lot of drugs next to them. They saw him and took their guns.
The guys: It’s Spider-Man! He will took the drugs for Francis!
Spider-Man: What? No! I am not here for you!
The guys: Kill him!
But right in the moment when they would shot Spider-Man, they felled on the ground, full of blood.
A voice: WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!
Spider-Man: Come one, Deadpool!
Deadpool exit from shadows.
Deadpool: This was my job! Go and have fun with the Avengers!!!
Spider-Man: We need you.
Deadpool: No! What do you think I am? A hero? Stark’s puppet?
Spider-Man: You are a hero!
Deadpool: No, I am not a hero!
Spider-Man: Yes you are. You are wasting your powers for this Francis, but you can do more. Plus, if you don’t help us, the world that we know may disappear. And you will die like a junk.
Deadpool: I am a junk!
Spider-Man: You are a junk because you choose to be.
Deadpool was thinking.
Spider-Man: So, are you gonna help us?
Deadpool: OK…

Matt Murdok was in front of his new customer. At least he thought. He couldn’t see him because he was blind.
Rodney: So… You are the best lawyer from this city?
Now he was sure.
Murdok: Yes.
Rodney: I don’t need Matthew Murdok.
Murdok: Well, you will lose the…
Rodney: I need the Daredevil.
Matt shut up. How did he knew his identity?
Murdok: Well I would like to meet the War Machine too!
Rodney: I am the machine.
Murdonk: What?
Rodney: Yes. I am Rodney Rhodes, the War Machine.
Murdok: I a… a… a… You are in the wheel chair!
Rodney: How do you know this?
Murdok: All of my other senses, hear, taste, etc., are more advanced than a normal human.
Rodney: So you practically see with your ears?
Murdok: Something like this.
Rodney: OK, I will tell you fast: we need your…
Murdok: Yes.
Rodney: Yes what?
Murdok: Yes, I want to be an Avenger!
Rodney: This was faster than I thought. OK! You are an Avenger!
He called me and told me that Daredevil wants to be an Avenger. I was happy, but I didn’t knew that not far away by me, Captain was looking at me.

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Its getting better, but there are still some grammatical errors in there, I noticed.
And years u key calling ‘Rhodey’ ‘Rodney’.

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When you tell me about this, please give me examples!

How is his name then? I always forget it.

I would suggest going through and editing a lot of your story before it is posted.


He need a to install grammerly chrome extension then

Then you. I will be more careful in the fourth episode.