Bad Things in G1

Of course you would think that, you missed on one of the best years of Bionicle, 2004 and went straight to the worst, 2005, which should never have existed, just like the first half of 2003.

Iā€™m not a fan of 2004 either. Once they left Mata Nui and revealed that Toa are just superpowered Matoran, the story lost its mystery and the Toa lost their status as mystical warriors.

I still had sets from 2004 and saw the movie. Mask of Light has always been one of my favorites regardless. Iā€™m not oblivious to 2004, I know it, and I donā€™t like it. Iā€™d also argue 2010 is far worse than 2005.

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and you would be right.

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I did an entire top ten of this over on my mocpages.

link to that, quickly.

in summery, though, 2005 was the worst.

@JoeScibelli i must admit, I didnā€™t like any of the movies. My favorite was Probably legend reborn. the first three where just kinda eh. maybe it was the animation, maybe it was the needless styalisations, maybe it was the corny as script and execution. I dont know.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

I prefer 2005 over 2010 just on the fact that it had a full year and better sets. It also had a poor, but more straightfoward story.

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How has no one mentioned Berix yet? :stuck_out_tongue:


because he is so forgettable. :neutral_face:


Berix didnā€™t bug me too much. Heā€™s better than WoS Vakama IMO. He was comedy relief that was handled better than Jar Jar Binks.


am I really the only guy who doesnā€™t like the first three movies, but loves legend reborn?

The thing that confused me about the movies when I was younger was how Web of Shadows was set within the timeframe of City of Legends.
Although the Toa becoming Turaga gave CoL a good conclusion, it made WoS seem shoehorned-inā€¦




Probably, cause the legend reborn lacks charm and humor and at least the first three had charm.

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I dunno, I thought Berix was worse than Jar Jar. XD


At least Berix didnā€™t get his tongue stuck in electricityā€¦


Berix at least seemed like he could hold his own by scraping together a few weapons and not look like a nimbuscle. He also spoke like a civilized person.

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[quote=ā€œToa_Jakami, post:76, topic:19101, full:trueā€]
He also spoke like a civilized person.

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[quote=ā€œjacques, post:77, topic:19101, full:trueā€]

At least he spoke the kingā€™s English.

Iā€™ve always just felt like people are just echoing Greg when they say Matau shouldā€™ve turned. Why do you think that? Iā€™ve always thought Vakama made more sense than Matau, and Vakama was a pretty dumb choice. Out of all the Toa Metru Onewa was the best choice in my eyes. He was always fighting with the others, and even when he became better friends with the others his relationship with Vakama only got worse. In Maze of Shadows the two were constantly arguing, and Onewa tried to physically fight him a couple times. Vakama was so determined to save the Matoran he chose to keep pushing through the tunnels when Nokama was dying, and that pissed Onewa off like crazy. That was one of the times he tried to go after Vakama. In my eyes at least it sounds like Onewa just having enough and leaving makes sense, especially when they were mutated and started getting all emotional.

The whole arc was just poorly done. It shouldā€™ve just been Toa v Toa, not Toa v crazy Toa who wants to become the leader of an army of murderous spiders. Onewa just ditching the team to do things on his own, the other Toa having to deal with Vakama getting more violent and caring more about the Matoran than his own teamā€¦it couldā€™ve taken a really dark path with all the development they put Vakama through in 04.


Not enough Takanuva was the worse thing.


I didnā€™t think of Onewa. I agree that he would be a more likely candidate than Matau, although I do think that Matau should have betrayed before Vakama. Vakama wanted to be good, and complete his destiny. This should have prevented him from betraying like he did.

That, I agree with.