This topic is great…
@Rockho wowhow did u find these. To be honest I accutaly want it XD
Edited for Double Post - Waj
I’m actually guilty of using quite a lot of bootleg bionicle pieces for mocing , if I’m not wrong the pieces are from decool(the star soldier brand ) , thier quality is superb , a step down from bionicle , but they are very good , they stick together well , and look quite close to original bionicle , I would say they are a good way to amass pieces for cheap haha
This Hakann was a knockoff that I found in Costa Rica back in 2012. Its quality is terrible and the pieces have broken many times. Unfortunately I threw out the canister it came in, but I remember that it did say “Invincibility Robot” on it. I just had to get this one since I missed out on getting the real one back in 2006. There were many other Bionicle knockoffs in that store but it didn’t occur to me at the time to take photos.
why so expencive
[quote=“Matoro, post:23, topic:6861”]
I got the fake vakama sword from a t-■■■■■ promotion in kohl’s
[/quote]wait whut
[quote=“Rockho, post:37, topic:6861”]
So close…
[/quote]invasion from under XD
[quote=“Rockho, post:47, topic:6861”]
Chima Knockoff
[/quote]ah the glorious legend of chim
Why did Kohl’s have that as a t-■■■■■ promotion?
Well, bonkle was big back then. Retail stores didn’t care what they sold with the ■■■■■, they just need the sales. XD
wooooow that’s lovely
Was it a Bionicle ■■■■■?
No, It wasn’t. @Calvatron
Anyone have more bootlegs?
Gotta love that Kanohi Lgnika.
Also, “Strength” and “Toughness” being two separate traits - along with “Agility” and… “Mind”. Gooooood.
Umm…those were official traits from their original bios on
I feel this has most relevance here.
Look who I brought with me to college:
Good ol’ Norik Vader, the Brick Soldier!
Oh man, that head mold looks absolutely disgusting.
Huh, the more you know. I still stand by my assessment of those being dodgy traits to judge a character by, though.
You know, I have never seen that headsculpt in the flesh (plastic?) before. Suddenly, I want a Bionicle-compatible Darth Vader helmet a whole lot less…
Wait, it’s not just photoshop? They actually made that?
@Rockho @Toafactory Indeed, it is pretty bad. What’s even worse is that it’s probably the best-molded piece out of the entire set…
@Calvatron Yep, it’s a legit thing they made… Since I have the set with me, maybe I’ll do a review to show it off in all of it’s glory (minus the parts I left at home).