BIONICLE is Officially Cancelled

Straight up cruelty to Skull Scorpio there

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No he was trans pink in the animations, he is only purple because LEGO is lazy to make that coloured shell piece and connectors.

Wrong, the comics made his colour different from Onua and Korgot, meaning that he was intended to have a different colour palette but due to everything being inconsistent in this god dang gen, even that could not have been followed. And given that LEGO had the Bionicle budget on a leash, no new trans coloured pieces…so yeah lets just have trans purple instead cause this line suuure aint going anywhere, dispite us not giving any proper treatment for it, oh we silly LEGO.

Neither Onua or Makuta in the animations have the same coloured body parts, so you are wrong in that regard.

Also did you expect them to do trans pieces in an already simplified artstyle?

Lets just agree that LEGO has not fully comitted to the trans pink colour that they made Makuta initially have and went with trans purple cause its an already established CCBS colour.


To be honest I think he was always intended to be purple from the get go. I think the “pink” looks just comes from the way his purple is illuminating so much, Ekimu’s blue is the same.


hes supposed to be purple, when they made a protector sized makuta for the contest video they made him purple and lego designers have access to what ever recolors they want.

In the animations neither of onua or korgors trans colors can be seen, and skulls bashers trans rib cage is the same color as his horns, so we really dont know what trans purple looks like in the animations, plus alot of the earth regions crystals look like makutas color

In the graphic novel due to the inconsistency of the coloring he appears in both a darker purple then PoE and lighter purple as well as some in betweens. There are times when ekimus armor looks like the PoW’s shade of blue which is dark blue in set, but others when hes lighter, additionally both PoW and PoI have been colored with the same blue at times.

And in JTO hes a glowing purple for some reason while ekimu is just solid blue with no glow.


Ok, so looking at the animations. Makuta is definitely purple, and it’s not even a lilac shade either, it’s undeniably purple


I meant they cant be seen, as in we dont see their trans purple pieces, and skull bashers are solid purple. So we really dont know what trans purple looks like. The purple we do see on all three is solid purple.

No I didnt say I did. Im saying we dont see the actual trans purple color in the animations.

I dont even think lego made him trans-whatever. I think they showed a prototype Ekimu to Dum Dum (The animation company) and said makuta was his brother so they would look similar, so all Dum Dum did was recolor Ekimu into an evilish color (didnt use neon orange because he turns that color later to show hes more evil) and used an early Mask of Control design in place of the Mask of Creation.


Course they had “nothing planned” in July of 2014 as well…so…
Maybe Lego is lying the rear off Denmark doesnt want us to know.


But we now know that LEGO tends to lie, so… :stuck_out_tongue:


This makes me so sad…I was so excited for the sets last year. I’ve been unimpressed by the Star Wars figures. They’re so bland and meh. :frowning:


Darth Vader is freakin’ amazing as a CCBS figure, but the other Star Wars figures aren’t that appealing.

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Christian Faber shared this, I think it might be relevant to the discussion at hand.


While the only good ones in my opinion are Darth Vader and General Grievous.


S@H US Just has Lava and Storm Beast left. I’ll be interested to see what the last set standing is, I remember for G1 (in the US) it was Kiina (or the Legend Reborn DVD if you count that). BIONICLE must have REALLY bombed for them to be forcing sets off shelves that have only been there for like a month.


Yeah. At least Toys R Us will probably still have them for a little while.

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Lego said the sets were selling well on twitter, so unless they’re lying I don’t think G2 bombed. They either didn’t sell well enough to warrant a continuation or Lego just cancelled it to focus on Nexo Knights. Heck, they even used Bionicle as a platform to market Nexo Knights in a TRU add.


When did this happen?


Maybe a month ago in their Toys Unboxing Toys series. Someone made a thread about it here, I think. I’ll see if I can find the video.

Edit: I found it. Here’s a link


My issue with the entire idea that the sets sold well, is that how does that explain why so many shelfwarmed? Most of my stores are still trying to get rid of the 2015 sets.