Bionicle Legacy

Guys, we need more votes on the final poll



The final vote on the poll for the plot has begun. Its between the final two pitches. Go over to discord to cast your vote

I’m actually working on a hyper realistic 3D model of the G2 Vahi on blender. Pics are coming once I make significant progress. I also have full access to a 3D printer. generated the idea of painting existing pieces as well. Only an idea, but it may be viable.

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Will you do the whole mask or just the top half.

I’m only working on the top half so far, but that could change.

Is there still an opportunity for me to help out? Should I go on Discord?

As a small note, I would highly suggest that you guys clean up the wiki and check it for grammatical accuracy; it will go a long way toward making this operation appear credible. I’ve already done some editing, but more would help.

Well I have news for you…Maleko’s won and the voting ended at 1:00 PST.

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Oh- oops.

I saw this:

The first 3 words. Maleko beat me in a final poll 12-4

Wait, what? We’re not using discord anymore?

Only that bit

@Azani but other than that the wiki is good, yeah?

Oh! Thanks for clearing that up.


For the most part, it covers the material and is definitely interconnected. I definitely like the direction that it’s going in. However, some pages, such as the one on Skull Spiders, were and still are a bit below the bar in terms of professionalism. I will continue to edit it as well.

Can I get another invite to the Discord page?

Well it looks fine now, so if that was you, thanks

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When I heard of the word unite, that was my theory on what would happen.

May I join? I am quite interested on what you guys have going on here!

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I’ve been on vacation the past few days. So what did i miss in terms of progress.

Is this your account?

No. It’s WeaponsMasterZero

Just a little note, I won’t be very active on Discord for a little while. I have comics to make and upcoming school. If my help is required, feel free to tag me in this topic.

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