Brickonicle G3 Elements Poll [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

Pretty much.


No they do not. Fire is light and heat energy that is given off during a chemical reaction with oxygen.

Freezing is the molecular structure of an element or a substance rearranged by intense cold (be it gaseous or liquid or solid).

Ice is a molecule
Fire is a reaction.

They are not the same thing.

Edit: I know Tesla didn’t say this but I guess because I quoted his quote rather than Pay’s original it’s showing up as him.

Also Ps. Sorry mods, accidentally double posted

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Same force, scientifically speaking.


Temperature does not make the process of Freezing or combustion the same thing. You’re not using Science here you’re using bad logic.

Speaking to a GeoChem student…



Is basically plasma, just not controlled laser beams or concentrated beams of energy

Plasma is basically a refined fire that doesn’t deal with flames or magma from what i can see

No plasma is ionized particles. Fire is heat and light given off during a chemical reaction with oxygen (usually).

This is like 8th grade science guys…


I’m just saying plasma is like a more refined method of a heat element and you know what I’m probably rambling

the more we talk about the elements the more it sound strange why we are going with four elements when two of the forces, earth and air can manipulate them and use them.

its like we are slowly taking out the imaginations of it and are just streamline the elements to make them easier to understand and use.

that seems to be the idea that the Pod cast crew are agreeing the most on.

that is one of the things one can get when one change to much and one then end up asking why one should even bother to have the other two elements when the other can do the same and even have more relation to it.

and by the way, the four elements that the podcast crew talked about, would make G3 to similar to Avatar, someone infact brought this up on the youtube video that talked about the idea.


That was never even close to agreed on.

Plasma is what you get when you get so hot that chunks of your very structure matter start flying off.

Where as before you had matter only going closer or farther from each other…this is basically ripping it appart.

By that point we are overthinking it by placing real world scientific laws into a setting that was imagined.

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We’re over thinking and arguing over a fanfic for a kids toy series

But y’know what we could keep going with consideration of element replacement or removal


So now ice IS freezing? And not just water?

Thank you for refuting yourselves.


Suuure, whatever makes you sleep at night.

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I get that this is your moment, but do you really gotta sink to childish mockery? It’s unbecoming of you.


Ice is water that has FROZEN. It is a specific Molecule that has undergone the process of freezing, but to say that a Toa Ice (a molecule that is specifically frozen H2O) can control all frozen solid substances is silly. I get the protodermis argument but we don’t need protodermis in G3, why bother with it?

What kind of argument are you trying to make here??

If a Toa of water can control Water he/she could FREEZE it to make Ice by controlling it’s temperature. (That doesn’t mean he/she could make it combust)

That doesn’t mean he/should could spontaneously freeze something that is not water.

I’m not saying she could freeze anything she could only freeze water.


No, that’s Var’s idea, the podcast was largely undecided.

Let it go. #AppropriateMemeisAppropriate


I give you props for this, it made me laugh.

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im starting to think that the main reason for why no one can really agree on the hole element thing, might be because we all have different ideas on how the elemental powers should work.

some are probably thinking that the toa should do what Var said and instead be communicating with the elements, while others are probably thinking that the toa should pull an avatar and be able to move the elements around.


At least I broke the tension.

Probably a large portion of the problem here.


Fair point, I would also add a couple of more interpretations in this bunch…this would probably be one of the first polls to make at the top of the discussion just to be clear what all of us are actually refering to when taliking about our thoughts of what are the elements.