Brickonicle MOCs [Characters][Workshop][Non-Canon][Non-Pitch]

Alright, I’ll jump in on this XD

Name: Rozmun
Sex: Male
Age (Years 1-3): 22-24
Element: Ice
Region: Nomadic
Attributes (Maximum of 10)
Strength: 6
Toughness: 9
Agility: 10
Mind: 10
Primary Occupation: Traveling Bard
Secondary Occupation(s): Vigilante
Tool(s): Bass Scythe, manuscript bag
G1 Mask: Shelek

Personality: Introvert, calculating, depressed, slightly sociopathic, true neutral.

Description: Rozmun is a traveling bard who has renounced his Ihuian heritage.

Background: Born from a secret affair between an Ihuian noble and a Kanae matoran, Rozmun was immediately outcasted from his family upon discovery of his “impure” element. Worse, as Rozmun grew older, his personality was perceived as unusual; he always seemed to be in his own little world, with a mind that couldn’t be rivaled. He was treated in the house as a servant, until one day he snapped and lashed out at his family. Rozmun was then disowned from the house, with his name scrubbed from his family tree.

On his own, he discovered a love for sounds and music. He decided to travel the island to share his music and find inspiration. However, the abuse he received as a child was seeded in his mind, and grew a habit of taking out anyone he deemed “uncivilized and selfish”. There’s a reason his bass is a scythe, and his mask reminiscent of a skull.

Only a few have seen the shred of warmth left in him, and even fewer have seen him smile.

Year 1: At this point he was on the border of Naho.
Year 2: Traveling to Tiro; he actually crosses paths with Onua and Lewa, who are traveling to visit Bingzak. He plays them a song, and they depart ways. He’s impassive about the whole “civil war”; he honestly thinks everyone is behaving like children.
Year 3: With the new threat of Makuta on the rise, Rozmun decides to stay in Tiro, and offers music to ease the other Matorans’ fear.

(So, he’s actually one of the protagonists from my developing webcomic The Grave Beyond. His real name is Rossmund, and while backstories/occupations are different, it’s essentially him.
Wooooo crossovers between two currently nonexistent IPs woooo)