Burning Heart Tahu

Shapeways printed stuff is like fan mods. Not official, but they give you heck of a lot of options.

“No-one fights like Tahu
Sets fires a’light like Tahu
Delivers his blows very swift like Tahu” :stuck_out_tongue:

I cannot unsee the chest flame/hair thing now. Thanks for that.


great… Tahu has been watching Naruto.
Soon he will be running like them and saying “Believe It” all the time

I enjoy how this is made
but I feel like the katana’s hilt should be a bit shorter
since it seems more like a the weapon a samurai would use than a ninja

also that upper torso
he must’ve been watching Fist of the North Star as well

but if you want to make it more like a ninja

  • Making him more skinnier so that he would be more flexiable
  • Use a weapon a ninja would use i.e Sai, Nunchaku, Bo staff
    you can keep the katana, just tone it down a bit
  • Give him some ninja equipment: Shuriken, Rope Darts (those are the two bits of Ninja equipment that come to mind)
  • Add more black, red is not good for Tahu if he is having a “Ninja Phase”, tone down the red and gold, and make black stand out a bit more
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@TeslaEffect Exactly! And considering Lego cancelled the line, these custom parts are all we’re going to get for Bionicle. At least we can take solace in the fact that they were created by true fans of the line.

@Whaddon Good feedback! But remember, this is 90’s ninja we’re talking about. So he’s supposed to look more like this kind of ninja:

Edited for Double Posting - Waj


This isn’t a 90’s superhero.

T H I S I S A N O V E R 9 0 0 0 S U P E R H E R O


he emits burning justice 500/10

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Lol hilarious! Well built too!

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Just a minute ago I swear I could’ve seen the name as “Burning Heart Tofu”…

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Pretty sick!

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