Calvin and Hobbes

I’ve wanted to read the Comic strip so bad for the past six years, but I could never find anything. Do you have any suggestions on where I could read some Calvin and Hobbes?


A library?

It’s a very well loved comic series (or comic strips) to this very day.

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The closest library is an hour away…


You can find then on gocomics

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Thanks! :smile:

No problem

Have these and “The Essential Calvin and Hobbes.” Nice to read when I’m bored.


I read the title as “Crafts and Hobbies” :sweat_smile:


I have three giant Calvin and Hobbes books, and also plenty of smaller Calvin and Hobbes books.

And yet gocomics appears to have some strips that I don’t.

Oh… And they’re all really great too :tiger: :smiley:

This series truly understands people.


I love Calvin and Hobbes. I read of all of the comics in 5th grade :} I will never forgot reading the funny sensation.

I remember reading Calvin and Hobbes all the time in middle school, they were hilarious and I still find a lot of the comics hilarious today.

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I love these comics. I have then in a sort of book format.

There are about ten larger collections, which you can get at many book stores. If you have access to Amazon, they sell the books for about $10 each. I highly suggest all of the collections.

Calvin and Hobbes is one of the best comic strips ever written IMO.


I haven’t really read a lot of this strip tbh (as my newspaper didn’t print it). But from I’ve read I like it.

It ended in the 90s…
Very few comic strips, barring Peanuts, are printed after cancellation.

Loved this strip. The best part was that when I revisited it years later, I finally understood many of the theological and political jokes.

There are some I still don’t quite understand, but that means I’ll be greeted with fresh jokes later.