Canisters/Boxes/Bags Disscusion Topic

That is what I was saying. You are supposed trow them away, when with canisters, they are incredibly useful and there is no actual reason to trow them away. You can use them as containers for pieces or you can play with them.

As I said, the action features are becoming boring very quickly. Still as I said, it’s not like you can store your pieces in other containers. Plus, let’s be honest. Unless you are a mocer, you don’t need to store your pieces.

I am not the biggest MOCer, since you already saw my weak mocs. Yet almost all the sets I own are just spare parts scattered across canisters and boxes. You need a place to put your extra parts even if you are not a MOCer.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:65, topic:1779”]
As I said, the action features are becoming boring very quickly
[/quote]Not necessarily. The Bohrock for example can be displayed in their canisters, even if you don’t play with them.

This looks perfectly on a shelf…

I wasn’t referring at you in particular.

I don’t know it doesn’t look that special for me. I would prefer to put them in an awesome pose on my shelf rather than keep it like this, using even more space for the plastic box.

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I personally prefer the canisters, whether it be the mata canisters appearing in story, the bohrok canisters being great with their display thing, or the later canisters that did something with the lid (until the mahri). but I do get the reason behind boxes.

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