Cat Topic

I guess I should share my kittehs

This is butterscotch, she has lived im my house for the longest. Got her when she was 7 weeks old. Used to be feral. When she wants to come inside she will jump up on the door and look throught the window at the top, If I can i’ll try to post a picture of it.

This is lolly, she used to be my Grandma’s cat but, she is too old to take care of a cat so my family got her. She follows me everywhere and I constantly have to deal with her crawling all over me as you can see. She has a shriveled ear because she had a bunch of puss or something in her hear and it had to be drained. I’ll try to get a better pic of her later

Here’s a silly cat video i found


For all the racism the Lady and the Tramp did with the portrayal of the cats in that movie, I still want a Siamese cat. their blue eyes are so beautiful.

They look like Elegant Egyptian God Kitties


We have had a few that had the colors, they were just stockier and had green eyes.

What are those

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Cat muscles.

(I dunno)

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Dis mah kitteh:


Oh look i has a cat to


He does not seem amused.

Hes a she

Oops. silly me.

(Still looks unamused.)

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I’ve seen that thing before…

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Cats are rarely amused, and when they are they just pretend to be to please us humans :stuck_out_tongue:

One of our cats thinks she is human, and the ruler of the world. and the other one could not care if you payed him to.

Could probably be considered spam, but I really don’t care to be honest… =P


Not my cat, though I kinda wish it was.


Just found this topic… Too bad I don’t own a cat…

You don’t own a cat. The cat owns you.


One of our cats lacks the ability to care, the other one thinks she is the queen of the world and probably thinks she is human.

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I had 2 cats.

They turned my downstairs bathroom into a veritable stink bomb.

We had to give them up.

It took me a week to clean that place,

Was it the litter you used?

We tried like 20 types.