
The rattling of cartridges being loaded echoed out accompanied by the whirring of servos, the bubbling of fluids and the hiss of gases.

"It would seem I did mistake you, for someone worthy. My mistake, you’re simply another pest in my way."

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“How do you know that name?” Dr. X asked, a bit shocked as he hadn’t heard that name in eons.

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Gamemark cackled loudly in response.
“Let’s test that theory then, shall we?” He hissed, as chains shot out at Omega.


“The Infinites are the ultimate scholars of The Multiverse. We know nearly all academic knowledge.” The Infinite said, leaning in to Dr. X.
“Especially records of the beings within our race.”

“Helping from the sidelines, mostly.” Luxatium says. “Sometimes working like a traveling “guardian angel,” though not quite like them. I also spent a good bit of time with the Infinities trying to expand knowledge.”

Skip some time

Luxatium, his light stronger now, fires flashes at the creeping chains. “Why do you people all want us to do this the hard way?” He asks to no one in particular. He brings out his own chains of light, twirling them dangerously.

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The chains as they neared would find themselves repulsed as they began to forcefully curve away, whilst melting.

"See your predecessor had a lot of things making them better than you, fashion sense, charisma, a nice race track, hygiene standards…and a good name."

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Gamemark glared at the chains, scolding them for their cowardice like how an angry owner would scold their disobediant pet.


Gamemark held dual spiked chains, one in each hand. He began to whip them around rapidly, cracking them at Luxatium’s chains.

Gamemark cackled hysterically.
“Well, I killed The Gamemaster! Who do you think that tells you the surperior one of us is?” He rhetorically asked.

"It remains the same, because at least the game master would keep his cool. You show emotional weakness. You are weak."

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Luxatium has the chains wrap together, then sends primal energy down them. He laughs at Gamemark
“Is this all you’ve got?” He then spoits into three identical copies, circling the area.

“What number am I thinking of?” He asked, starting to calculate pi.

OOC: 3.14159265358979

Gamemark briefly yelped from the shock, but quickly recovered.
“Oh, this magician still has some tricks up his sleeves!” Gamenark declared, as chains shot out from his sleeves and he whipped them around him at the speed of a helicopter blade.

Gamemark’s grin spread widely across his face.

“No. You fail to see, that I am in fact superior. The Gamemaster was only half of the equation! Me, or should I say the man I once was, Mark, was the other half. I think he understood on some level, The Gamemaster. Not entirely, of course. He was too single-minded for that, but he saw the potential. He saw that the two of us were incomplete without the other. He knew that we needed to evolve into something new, together. Something more. Abd that is why he did what he did to me. I am the answer to the equation! The ultimate apex!” Gamemark roared.

“-And you’re a nutjob!” Mark shouted, clocking Gamemark in the face.


“3.14159265358979…” The Infinte rattled off an entire string of numbers, speeding up until he eventually miraculously reached the final digit of Pi within only seconds.

"half the equation yet twice the fighter"

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Shadow Heart was in his Apex Mode which was the second form of his Armageddon armor. “Well, I actually kinda don’t see myself around these piles of bodies.” Bruce wittingly mentioned towards Gamemark.
You sure you killed everyone?” Bruce sarcastically asked Gamemark, trying to make him doubt himself. “Or maybe you tried and failed, spectacularly because I kicked your @ss.” He said his hands forming into two pair of repulsor unibeam cannons ready to fight.

Gamemark, in typical fashion, only laughed in response.

“Go ahead, hit me with all you have, Brucie! I have been dealt blows by godly beings, and shrugged them off like nothing!” he cackled, shooting chains at Bruce with the intent to entangle him.

“Yup, he’s definitely insane.” Bruce commented to Mark as his helmet activated around his face and fired the chains with his repulsor unibeam cannons while also dashing to the side and flying towards him.

Upon nearing himself towards Gamemark he landed in front of him and swung a devastating right hook towards his face. “I made a god bleed. I kid you not.” He said wittingly. “So top that.”

Gamemark 's head jerked around nearly 190 degrees from the force of Bruce’s blow. Blood spurted from his mouth.
Gamemark, however, kept smiling.“Yummy…” he said, licking the blood and swallowing it.

Gamemark then wrapped spiked chains around his fist, using it as a makeshift brass knuckle as he returned a punch of his own at Bruce’s face.
Bruce was quick to react and brought his left forearm up, instantly blocking the punch that was thrown from Gamemark and in return, he sends his fist into jabbing motion towards his nose whilst grabbing Gamemark by the back of his neck and shoving his knee into his stomach really hard.

Gamemark fell back, but unnaturally brought himself back forward into his feet like he was a puppet being tugged by a string. Then Gamemark, with one swift blow, sent Bruce flying to the other side of the chamber.

“But could the Gamemaster brag about annihilating an entire universe in one week?”

The copies of Luxatium walk toward Gamemark, allowing the chains to pass through them. Luxatium’s chains begin wrapping around the spinning ones, dragging them slower and slower.

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"no they’d brag about their carefully orchestrated plans instead of swinging chains about in a effort to look cool"

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Gamemark cocked his head in confusion, unsure of what was happening. He attempted to resist the dragging of his chains.

Gamemark was starting to lose his cool, but he attempted to keep holding up his facade.
Using his shadow walking ability, Gamemark teleported behind Omega and conjured Shadow swords as he attempted to drive them into the the being’s armor.

If Dr. X had cartoon physics abilities, his jaw would actually have left a crater in the ground when the figure said the last digit of what was supposed to be an infinite number.


Luxatium’s copies multiply and begin circling Gamemark again, opposite the rotation of the chains. The light grows brighter and brighter in the area, turning to a blinding brilliance.

Then all that light disappears, copies included. Luxatium falls on Gamemark from directly above, wielding a spear of light charged with primal energy.

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The swords penetrated through the bodysuit but seemed to yield no physical response.

"The Gamemaster, was cool and calculating, I don’t care how many galaxies you’ve destroyed. You show panic, stress, emotion. You are weak. You know it, we know it, your ‘comrades’ know it. You aren’t feared by us, you aren’t respected by your peers, and you aren’t even registered by your queen. No one wants you. No one needs you. No one cares for you. So make the the collect. And disappear. It’s the only thing you’re remotely good at."

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Gamemark looked up just in time to see Luxatium drop down. He attempted to roll out of the way, but the spear snagged his cloak and pinned him in place.

Gamemark’s grin slowly fell, his expression transforming into a bitter glare.

Gamemark suddenly turned to Kaleo, and he shot a spiked chain towards his chest.


“Is that proof enough?” The Infinite asked Dr. X.

"Why are you still here? I gave you a command. You will follow it, like the spineless pathetic meek sheep that you are!"

Omega rips out one of the swords and smashes the hilt into Gamemark’s face

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