Chaos Creation (RP Topic)

Using the shelek i deafen skelly
“What can you hear now?”

“Rude but effective.” Blaze says.

“That would be an effective way to stop a fight, to just mute them.”

“Until they start combat.” Blaze is referring to the Shelek able to stop verbal fights but ‘actual’ fights can still go off.

LTV sits back down and relaxes

“The rule on the trailer is only one passenger at a time.”

“Well, the actual fights are generalt startd verbally”

“That doesn’t include all fights so we still need to be careful.”

“But most, if not all, of the fights betwen ourselves up to this point have beenstarted verbally.”

“Touche, my friend.” Blaze says, with a slight accent.

“So lets continue our journey.”

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Undeafening him i say “exactly”

“Honestly I think you want to die.”

“What the Karzahni are you and why must nearly everyone be obesessed with violence?”

“Oh, like you’re so pure yourself.”

No response.

“That’s what I thought.”

“It would be nice for some calm days. Maybe not try and kikl each other? We dont have to have a picnic, although that does sound nice…”

“Agreed.” Blaze says.