Chaos Creation (RP Topic)

(@King_Ved) “Renu! Kogara and Runa have something to show us. Akshi was nice enough to carry your bag for you.” He calls out.

Renu:" Wait what, I’m coming and I’ll take my bag!" He grabs the bag back from Akshi (@Ace ).

Akshi hands him the bag

Blaze finds Lehatu (@KAI_BORG @Biodude15) and Biodude and tells them that Kogara and Runa called for a group meeting. Blaze runs into LTV (@LTVmocs) and asks him to join them in a group meeting that Runa and Kogara called.

LTV follows Blaze. “Why are we having one”

“They have something to show us.” He says.

LTV “I don’t really need to. An old soldier like me has experienced enough.”

“Suit yourself.” Blaze says.

“Well, nothing’s happening. When will something happen?”

“When it feels like happening.”

“‘When it feels like happening’. Sounds like nothing will happen”


When everyone had gathered, Runa read to them the passage he read before. “This is definitely the book we need. I think if I continue reading, it might tell us what we have to do.” He turns the page and reads some more.

"August 16, 2020

I have found that it is a Chaos spirit, who is soon to be released once more, that has done these crazy things to our realm. I have found a way to contain him once again, however. Deep in the mountains I built a shrine that, once he is freed, can be used to seal him away, with the artifact I hid somewhere in this library. If you are reading this, and he has yet to be stopped, please find it and defeat him."

Runa closes the book. “Alright, I think I know what we have to do.” He says. “We’ll stay here for a while longer to regain our strength, then we’ll head out tomorrow.”

“It’s almost noon,” Kogara elaborates. “Relax for a while, the road ahead is long.”

New Main Objective: Find the Shrine in the Mountains

OOC: this “new objective” thing is something I’m planning on doing for this RP and the next. If you don’t like it or have a better idea, please tell me.

“oh boy a treasure hunt”

LTV “Let’s go hunting.”

“It said that there was an artifact hidden in this library. Do we have it?”

“Eh, seems like a hassle. Why even hide it in a mountain?” Nexus says

Eric stays silent.

“No.” Runa says. “I don’t believe we do.”

“So that it would be hard for Hepohepo to find and destroy.” Kogara told Nexus.

“But he is a literal god of chaos.”

“If you haven’t noticed, he hasn’t attacked us while we were in any of these ‘safe spots.’ Why, do you think? Because he can’t.” she tells him. “Even he has things he can’t do.”