Chaos Creation (RP Topic)

OOC: Umm, the Glider is desummoned so you’ll have to put it into your pack.

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“It’s fine. He tried to betray us, but…” He began to tear up, but only a little. “He’s who taught me what I know and how to do my job. He was like a brother to me, the closest thing to family I ever remember having. The worst part is, he didn’t die there. No, when things die, their spirits are freed from their body and sent somewhere else, at least in our world. That’s what we are, spirits that were given a new, very important job after we died. No, he upright ceased to exist. Gone, no way to bring him back or fix him.” A tear falls out of his eye. “It’s been a few years, but I still miss him.”

OOC: I’m back. so, what’ve I missed?

OOC: When did you leave? Approx. post count.

“I miss my job in Ta Metru but helping Tangi actually made me feel better.” He offers his hand to help him up. “You have a new family now: us.”

OOC: About when that giant treewolf thing died

He takes it. “Thank you.”

“C’mon, let’s find that treasure.” He says, smiling and hopping back onto the second floor.

Runa follows, searching the shelves. “History of Architecture, no. Unnatural Abilities of Foreign Species, no. Ancient Artifacts of Ao…Maybe.” He throws the books behind them as he rejects them.

Blaze keeps looking for anything that sounds like a hint, swiftly scanning books as he passes them.

Pyrrhus picks them up and puts them back. “You really should be more careful with these.”

Akshi had disappeared a while ago

(@Runa) Blaze has gotten about halfway around the floor.

He sees a book that he couldn’t read what was originally written, as it was covered by black ink that read:

When the three books have been brought together
Open will be the passage to which they are tethered.

Tangi and Nexus(@Omega_Tahu) also found books with this written on the cover.

Blaze starts looking through it using his Noble Rau.

Nexus throws the book at Eric again. “Figure it out.” He continues to search.

Eric looks at the book. “Huh.”

Blaze walks over to Nexus, “Have you found a book like this one?” He asks, holding up the one he found.

One page read:

From top to bottom the symbols are read
To open the door and to the artifact be lead.

Also, there was a symbol like a spider. The rest of the writing is useless.

“Interesting…” He mutters.

Tangi runs down the stairs. “Guys! Did you find books like this?” She opens the book to a page like the one Blaze read, yet the symbol was instead a bird.