Chaos' Creation (Signup)

Ja. Too bad for that, at least you got the hound.

Titles: first son
Gender: male
Species: machine
Weapons: cans spit acid, slight telepathy
Powers/abilities: shapeshifting
Appearance: what ever he feels like, but this is his primary body:

Bio/personality: he is quite kind and generous, but loves knowledge

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Name: Skelly
Titles: Oh no not him again
Gender: Male
Species: Undead Okotan
Weapons: Two pistols (stolen from Jim)
Powers/abilities: Dimension hopping

Bio/personality: Skelly was a gladiator alongside Skull Slicer in the old days of the ancient city, well known for his knowledge of the multiverse. He was killed in the collapse of the city but eventually was revived by Makuta, where he then proceeded to travel the different pocket universes in search of new adventure.


Oh boy.

This’ll be fun…


Time to join in

Name: LTV
Titles: What is your real name /s
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Weapons: Claws
Abilities: Create invisible clones that are extremely weak compared to the real one.

Personallity: Kind of annoying but can be useful in a pinch.


You forgot a backstory for him. most of the others have one.

RIP. Well. Who needs one /s

Bio: LTV was a former soldier and was tested on. Now he isn’t like before and gained special abilities. Basically Captain America but more emo TBH.

Accepted, as is @DannyBoyy

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Too late to sign up?

Name: Blitz
Species: bonkle
Weapons: dark flame scythe
Powers/abilities: fire, darkness
Appearance: coming soon
Bio/personality: blitz is a warrior of fire who was exiled from his kingdom by a corrupt ruler

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Okay I’ll just join in now

Name- Belial
Title- Cheif of the Demons
Gender- Male
Species Demon
Weapons, Hook, claws
Powers- can travel throught dimensions, is echos “trigger”
Appearence Body of a man and head of a jakal with farmers cllothes on
Bio- A being made from all of echos insanity and hatred. he was formed on the day his village was attacked. Was later reincarnated by the devil (storyline eavily influenced from the bible btw) so that he could be his biological son. thats about it

As a minor mod for @Runa, and since Runa is currently not on and will not be on for a while I will temporarily accept this. Runa>me in authority when it comes to the RP obviously, so if he has a problem it should be fixed.

Leaving the rp

Ok. Feel free to join back in if you feel like it.

Like @Omega_Tahu said, it’s accepted.

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Aghhhh! Just realized I never put up Bara’s sheet! I’ll get that in a minute!

Name: Baracordak (stands for barren desolation for those who are wondering and don’t want yo translate)
Nickname: Bara (usual name he’s called)

Title: God of destruction (according to him and really when he’s merged with Lehatu he pretty much is in relative terms, his only limits being his energy capacity and destroying the world by crushing its core

Gender: Male

Species: Bionicle/physical mentality fragment (from Lehatu)

Weapons: He tends to prefer to fight using his own strength, powers, claws, fangs, wings, agility and his speed, that’s not to say he won’t use weapons but when he does they tend to be rather destructive ones that he somehow cobbled together from spare parts, these weapons have so far ranged from flamethrower’s, explosives and gun like weapons (which tend to only fire a couple times then break and rarely are that effective) of course he could make more but so far he has yet to get access to parts for stuff like that. He will use swords, knives and other bladed weapons but he tends to lose em.

Powers: Minor control over stone, similar to Lehatu’s except for the body regeneration, influence/control over negative emotions, he gets stronger the more negative emotions others around him and/or himself are feeling, he can solidify them into a semi-physical, shadow like substance which he manipulates in tendrils, those he touches with the tendrils will get small patches of the liquid negative emotions stuck to them and the longer it is touching them the more the negative emotion/s that that tendril was composed of will affect them, causing them to feel that emotion, eventually leading to uncontrollable levels of said emotion, I.e. If he used sadness it would eventually get to a level where one would basically collapse/fall to their knees (possibly crying), at a level of depression high enough where they wouldn’t even be able to think of fighting back and be, I’ve they deserved it, if no one was able to stop it in time. Or if he used anger they’d eventually get to a level of blind, animalistic rage that they’d just start attacking everything, including allies, that angered them and they’d be easily pissed off… By everything… And I mean everything! There’s not much that would be able to not anger them, even if one tried to use a calming spell on them that’d probably end up pissing them off unitl (more like if) it finished.
He also does have the ability to forcibly mentally invade others due to his and Lehatu’s old relationship form wise and how he came to be. This is a rare and powerful ability which he is quite good at, while not an expert he is at a higher level than most. This ability can allow him to force others to feel certain emotions, see things, search their mind and/or control their body for a small period of time, their power level and experience are all factors in how long they can keep up the effect, due to Bara’s current form and energy capacity since the split he can keep the ability up for a few seconds before he has to quit due to it giving him a piercing headache, a side effect that happens to anyone with this ability and that uses it.

Appearance: matoran sized, maybe a bit shorter. He’s basically a miniaturized Lehatu except he also has black, shadowy coloured areas on his build, wings, fangs, clawed hands and feet and along his form (mainly his arms) he has horizontal, glowing, anti-dermis coloured cracks, but they’re not fully random, there’s is a slight pattern to them and they’re all single line cracks, they don’t branch off even if they are jagged, while his mask has 2 large, horizontal cracks leading from the top to the bottom, both crossing over his eyes. His eyes are also anti-dermis green with a darker coloured iris and dark, nearly black, red pupils (you have to focus pretty hard to notice that they’re not black)

Personality: A pompous little $#!+!!! No seriously he’s almost always gloating about his abilities, evilness, strength and claims he’s the greatest supervillain ever (despite never really doing anything truly evil after he was separated from Lehatu). Yet he does have some humility, he will admit that he is much weaker now that he’s been separated from Lehatu but that doesn’t mean he still won’t claim to be a weakling and try and start fights with others. He’s insane, evil, maniacal, a touch murderous and pretty much all around evil, he’s constantly coming up with plans of destruction and such but he tends to be foiled before he can start, realizing a way that one of the others could stop him, he loves to make weapons of destruction out of anything he can, threaten others, just act plain creepy, speak in a stereotypical villain manner and tone , laugh maniacally and gloat.
But despite all this he is also a child and does act like it, he whines, pouts and acts all around childish when he gets irritated or upset. He also has a tendency to blackmail others into giving him candy when they need his services, which can also be used to bribe him into stopping any plan he might be acting on if one wishes him to stop.
He is extremly protective of Lehatu and vice versa, they would both give their lives for each other but they both know if one of the, died it would be a fate worse than death for the other.

Bio: Baracordak was forcibly created by Lehatu when a group of Makuta captured him after hearing of a golem powered by anti-dermis, after discovering how he came to be and his toa attitude they proceeded to tortruet and experiment on him in attempts to make him into a weapon for them and to discover how he came to be and replicate it, sealing him in a room composed of a material that while metallic blocked Lehatu’s connection to stone, thick enough to prevent him from escaping but just enough to allow him to still get a trickle of necessary energy, leaving him in isolation for extended periods of time and even when they did take him out they had ways to keep him from interacting. After quite a long time of this his mentality started to fragment, eventually trying into Baracordak. Bara did actually start to form earlier than Lehatu knew but he couldn’t interact with him in anyway and had trouble perceiving anything, eventually he could talk to Lhetau and eventually was visible to Lehatu, once this was discovered the Mkauta upped their experiments and such, attempting to either remove Bara and give him his own form or remove Lehatu so he could take over, unfortunately for them this only made Bara hate them more, being highly connected to Lehatu and caring for him. After a while of this Lehatu’s already struggling conscience eventually gave out,voicing Bara control but forcing him to deal with everything Lehatu had been forced to feel and what Bara also felt through his connection, essentially double the pain, what was left of Lehatu’s struggling, aware conscience managed to inspire Bara to make their combined form, basically he increased the height as if he was sitting on Lehatu’s shoulders and merged their colour scheme, helping to even out the load of emotional pain with Lehatu seeing as how their forms were now merged, even he was barely there at that time, unfortunately the pain was still enough to put Bara into an rage controlled, animalistic state, due to this it inhibited their mental capabilities causing Bara to only care about making the pain stop and making everyone pay for chasing it, these both merged into one objective and due to his mental state he could no longer tell who caused it and went on a mindless killing spree even after he killed the makuta’s, killing everything living he came across and rehashing their bodies together into lifeless abominations that he used his powers to puppeteer and keep him from being isolated, which was one of the major things that he remembered and affected his mind.
Eventually Lehatu gained control back and Bara went into a similar state to Lehatu’s. Lehatu interacting and talking with Bara whenever his conscience became active enough, trying to explain why he shouldn’t act like that, unfortunately the damage was already done and Bara went a bit insane, and he didn’t mind, he was designed to be a makuta even if it didn’t work as they planned he did have a tendency to be somewhat evil, which he happily embraced, enjoying being able to act like it.
After Blaze later separated Bara and Lehatu, Bara lost a lot of his previous strength and power, all which came from Lehatu’s own, that doesn’t mean he should be taken lightly, he can still be a slight threat and is still powerful. It also showed his true form and revealed that he is in truth a child, the amount of time his conscience was in its coma like state he did not age so he has only truly been alive for a small amount of time, around that of an older matoran child, despite how long he’s existed.

He is not Berus.

… VHAT?! Did I give him a misspell?! AGGGHHH!
Edit: just got the reference, XD! And no, not a God of destruction in that term, he is just extremely powerful like that and can destroy basically anything with stone in it .I.e. Most of the world.